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Marca da Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária

Usp with Approximation

The USP Aproxima-Ação Program has its actions especially focused on issues related to the relationship between the University of São Paulo and the surrounding communities, thus constituting a privileged space for dialogue between actions and projects of the University of São Paulo (USP) and the social demands of the community with a focus on children and adolescents at risk. The program aims to provide inventory, articulating and supporting social inclusion activities through actions within the various areas of knowledge, thus constituting a channel of communication and interaction between the university and the communities. Furthermore, the Program contributes with initiatives from several USP Institutes, some of which are listed below:

Comunica São Remo
In attendance to SDG 3, the general objective of this project is to evaluate the management system of urban solid waste in São Remo, west zone of São Paulo, regarding the aspects of communication and information on selective collection, considering the challenges and the most relevant opportunities for the reuse of organic and inorganic waste, especially the sensitization of the community for the definition of priority actions co-constructed in partnership university – community. The expected result is a socio-environmental diagnosis for the evaluation of the solid waste management system in the São Remo slum, regarding the communication/information aspects of selective collection and the reuse of organic waste, considering the most relevant challenges and opportunities, and the sensitization and awareness of the community for the definition of priority concrete actions to meet the main demands raised and the engagement of the population. All the proposed actions depend, necessarily, on the integrated presence of communication actions.

Didactic Concert
Concert directed to classes from 6 to 10 years old from educational institutions, result of a partnership between the USP Aproxima-Ação Program and OSUSP. Based on this articulation, the management of OSUSP took the initiative to bring the Didactic Concert to USP, with presentations at the Center for International Dissemination (CDI) and the participation of schools from the Butantã Campus. The organization of the events relied on the contribution of the USP Aproxima-Ação team, with concerts held in the years 2018 and 2019, with an estimated audience of over two thousand children, throughout all editions.

Program of Human Development through Sports (PRODHE)
The Program of Human Development through Sports (PRODHE) comes from the partnership between USP and Ayrton Senna Institute that was established in May 1995. Since 2009, it has become a program maintained by the University of São Paulo through USP’s Sports Practice Center. PRODHE seeks to be a source of knowledge production, inspiration and articulation of actions that, through physical and sports activities, can promote human development and sports culture. Thus, it stimulates people of different ages to incorporate physical and sporting activities as a social value and a habit throughout life. The Human Development through Sports Program (PRODHE) originates from the partnership between USP and Ayrton Senna Institute, established in May 1995. Since 2009, it has become a program maintained by the University of São Paulo through USP’s Sports Practice Center. In its regular attendance projects, it offers 180 vacancies for children and teenagers from 05 and 06 years old and from 09 to 18 years old.

Read more: PRODHE

Unique Health in Peripheries
USP interunit extension project (FMVZ, IB, School of Public Health, USP Approach-Action), surrounding institutions and municipal public power, which integrates different areas of health care. The project was conceived and the workshops were written in five axes: Foodborne Diseases, Bites, Animal Welfare, Zoonoses, and Waste. The application of the workshops took place at Circo Escola São Remo taught by FMVZ students with the participation of members of Aproxima-Ação. The public of the workshops was divided in one for each axis, with an average of 30 students each, with ages ranging from six to seventeen years old.

Read more: SUP

Demographic Census
Conducted by the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA): in the communities neighboring USP (Sao Remo and Keralux), it aims to interview all – or virtually all – households. To be admitted as a census survey, it aims to reach at least 92% of the households. The Aproxima-Ação program participated in the census by providing institutional support with the work of PUB fellows in the Keralux and São Remo communities.

Project 32
It aims to bring quality oral health to low-income people. This project intends to act in the São Remo community still in the year 2019, with the UBS São Remo. This action has the involvement of faculty and students from the School of Dentistry.

USP Embraces the School
This was the teachers’ training meeting that took place under the Integration – USP Communities initiative. The event took place in several USP units: Physics, Chemistry, FFLCH and FAU.  The event counted with the participation of the Aproxima-Ação team (scholarship holder, server and interns) in the reception and orientation of the public.