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Registration open for the dissemination course on the extroversion of cultural heritage

Registration open for the dissemination course on the extroversion of cultural heritage

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 03/09/2023

Registration is free and can be done until March 19th on the Apolo System of Culture and Extension.

The processes of patrimonialisation of cultural heritage are usually divided into three instances that characterize a tripod of patrimonial action: research, preservation, and communication. While the research/identification and preservation of cultural assets are widely known, studied, and practiced communication, however, still lack greater attention from professionals, institutions, and heritage actions. There is even some difficulty in defining whether these are dissemination, valorization, or communication actions.

The Introdução à extroversão do patrimônio cultural (Introduction to the extroversion of Cultural Heritage) diffusion course, to be held by (Cultural Preservation Center from USP) in April, will take a panoramic look at the problems related to this third instance of cultural heritage, a field that has witnessed significant advances in recent heritage practices, taking into account the multiplication of experiences and activities such as social tourism, heritage days, the presence of the heritage agenda on social networks, among other similar phenomena.

The target audience is professionals, researchers, and activists in the field of heritage, as well as those interested in cultural assets in general.

In addition to the conceptual discussion, the content will analyze actions such as organizing exhibitions, making itineraries, publications, social networks, and heritage education.

The course program can be accessed on the CPC-USP website. Participation will take place in person at Casa de Dona Yayá, the headquarters of CPC-USP.




Curso de Difusão Introdução à extroversão do patrimônio cultural
In-person activity with 30 vacancies available
Lecturer | Gabriel Fernandes (USP) with the participation of Simone Scifoni (USP)
When | On 5th to 26th April 2023
Workload | 12,5 hours
Schedules | quartas-feiras, das 19h às 21h30; atividade externa 22/4 (sábado) às 10h
How much | Free inscription on Sistema Apolo
Where | CPC-USP/Casa de Dona Yayá
Rua Major Diogo, 353, São Paulo, SP


Translated by Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

Registration open for the dissemination course on the extroversion of cultural heritage
  • Rating: Livre