A region of the central area of the city of São Paulo marked by the strong presence of diverse cultural references, Bixiga was listed by Resolução 22-2002 do Conselho Municipal de Preservação do Patrimônio Histórico, Cultural e Ambiental da Cidade de São Paulo (Conpresp), which guarantees the preservation of its road layout and a list of significant real estate in this traditional neighborhood.
Even so, the arrival of Linha 6 of the subway, with the construction of Estação 14 Bis, opens a possibility of verticalization and population densification foreseen by the Strategic Master Plan of the city, which intensifies the conflict between preservation and safeguarding actions and the pressure of the real estate market.
This emblematic case reflects the complexity of proposing urbanization policies and public concessions in the face of the changes proposed by the recent revision of the Plano Diretor de São Paulo, approved in the first round by the Câmara Municipal de São Paulo in the Plenary Session on May 31, which is still under discussion for a final vote.
The Plano Diretor estratégico, the most important municipal urban planning law, defines the rules and incentives that guide the occupation of the city’s spaces. The new text promotes changes in the standards of real estate development that could have a major impact by reducing the requirements for the construction of residential complexes, allowing taller buildings with more parking spaces in neighborhoods served by metro lines.
In more than two months of extensive discussions by experts, social movements and government representatives, one sees in the conduct of the municipality’s master plan a tension in which the real needs of everyday life in the city disappear from the debate at the same time that public spaces are progressively conferred to the instance and private management.
Landscapes transformed into scandalous contrasts, place names sold to brands and areas closed by siding, with controlled access and without integration with the surroundings, conform a scenario of increasing social exclusion and damage to public enjoyment.
It is in this sense that the Centro de Preservação Cultural da USP/Casa de Dona Yayá (CPC-USP) and the Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil – São Paulo (IAB-SP) hold the seminar “Políticas urbanas, normativas, incentivos: e a cidade, onde fica?” (Urban policies, regulations, incentives: and the city, where is it?), On June 21st and 28th.
The representativeness of IAB-SP in the discussion on the themes related to the city and urban pre-existence joins CPC-USP in this partnership from the perspective of culture and university extension.
From the debate of the current context not of São Paulo, as of other Brazilian cities, the seminar intends to discuss and formulate new strategies to rediscover the city as an urban and cultural environment, under the multidisciplinary look.
There will be two round tables composed of experts from various institutions who will reflect on the immediate and future paths within a necessary reformulation of urban policies, to rearticulate and strengthen local actions that can actually promote diversity, coexistence, the common good, and the notion of public space.
The opening of the seminary will take place at the headquarters of CPC-USP, the Casa de Dona Yayá, and the second-day debate will be at the headquarter of IAB-SP.
Participation is free, no registration required.
Seminar “Urban policies, regulations, incentives: and the city, where is it?”
▪ Table 1: City, Environment e Lifestyles
Invited guests | Ana Fani Alessandri Carlos (USP), Andréa de Oliveira Tourinho (Universidade São Judas Tadeu), José Guilherme Cantor Magnani (USP) e Sarah Feldman (USP)
Date and time| 21 de junho (Wednesday) at 07:00pm
Location | CPC-USP/Casa de Dona Yayá – Rua Major Diogo, 353 – Bela Vista-SP
▪ Table 2: O Público e o Privado nas Concessões do Espaço Urbano
Date | 28 de junho (quarta-feira)
Schedules | 5:30pm – 7:00pm: Futuro e Memória do Parque Anhembi e
07:00pm – 9:30pm: As concessões em prática no Ibirapuera e Anhangabaú
Location | IABsp – Rua Bento Freitas, 306
Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima