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Marca da Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária

USP Approximation

The USP Aproxima-Ação Program, created by the Pro-Rectorate of Culture and University Extension, is  a space for connection between USP’s projects and the community’s social demands. It aims to create an inventory, articulate, and support training and social inclusion activities through actions within the various areas of knowledge. The program has reference on the Human Rights and the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA), as Children and adolescents are the target audience.

Aproxima-Ação ProjectsAproxima-Ação Projects

Projects developed by USP Aproxima-Ação Program organized mainly under the front of action Children and Adolescents on Campus. Learn more.Projects developed by USP Aproxima-Ação Program organized mainly under the front of action Children and Adolescents on Campus. Learn more.

USP and Aproxima-AçãoUSP and Aproxima-Ação

Projects developed from the initiatives of several USP institutes and with the contribution of USP Aproxima-Ação Program. Learn more!Projects developed from the initiatives of several USP institutes and with the contribution of USP Aproxima-Ação Program. Learn more!

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YouTube ChannelYouTube Channel

Access and view live broadcasts and recorded content from events, lectures, debates, special productions and USP Fair and Professions.Access and view live broadcasts and recorded content from events, lectures, debates, special productions and USP Fair and Professions.

(Português do Brasil)

USP INTEGRAção JournalUSP INTEGRAção Journal

USP journal that highlights actions for  society: cultural activities, community relations programs and extension projects.USP journal that highlights actions for  society: cultural activities, community relations programs and extension projects.