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Aging with quality of life is discussed in a series of meetings at the Maria Antonia Center in USP

Aging with quality of life is discussed in a series of meetings at the Maria Antonia Center in USP

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 07/10/2019

                 Experts discuss aging in different approaches, focusing on the quality of life. The event is free and open to the public.


The Maria Antonia Center at USP presents, in a partnership with the Program “USP Open to Senior Citizens,” the series of free meetings Conversas sobre o envelhecer (Talks on aging). Participation is open to the population, with no need for a link with the University.


The meetings are monthly, on Tuesdays, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.


Dr. Egídio Dorea, the coordinator of the program, points out that, with the increase of the longevity of the population and with a different style of life of previous generations, aging has a new meaning. “It is necessary to re-signify life within a new scenario with technological changes. For this, we need to discuss how to live more with quality of life. ”


Confira a programação:


August 6th (Tuesday) at 5 p.m.

A importância da nossa memória autobiográfica (The importance of our autobiographical memory) 

Lecturer: Neuza Guerreiro de Carvalho, teacher of the course “Rescuing the autobiographical memory” from the Program “USP Open to Senior Citizens”


September 3rd (Tuesday) at 5 p.m.

Preconceito e envelhecimento: existe? É importante? Como combatê-lo?  (Prejudice and aging: does it exist? Is it important? How to fight it?)

Lecturer: Egídio Lima Dórea, coordinator of the Program “USP Open to Senior Citizens”


October 8th (Tuesday) at 5 p.m.

Capital social: como evitar a solidão e o isolamento social ao envelhecer (Social capital: how to avoid loneliness and social isolation when aging)


November 12th (Tuesday) at 5 p.m.

Envelhecimento e meditação (Aging and meditation)

Lecturer: Rui Afonso, researcher at the Albert Einstein Hospital


December 10th (Tuesday) at 5 p.m.

Envelhecimento e tecnologia: o que há de novo? (Aging and technology: what’s new?)

Lecturer: Sérgio Werther Duque-Estrada, ambassador of Aging 2.0 Chapter Brasil





Program “Conversas sobre o envelhecer” (Talks on aging)


Where | Maria Antonia University Center

294 Maria Antonia Street– Vila Buarque, São Paulo, SP (close to the Higienópolis and Santa Cecília Subway Stations)

When | From August 6th to December 10th, Tuesdays, from 5 p.m. to 6: 30 p.m.

How much | Free entry (no prior registration required)

How long |  90 minutes

Encontros sobre o Envelhecer
  • 6/Aug/2019 until 10/Dec/2019
  • Rating: Livre
    • Centro Universitário Maria Antonia
    • Rua Maria Antonia, 294
    • Tuesday
    • Das 17:00 às 18:30