The Comitê de Fomento às Iniciativas de Cultura e Extensão (Committee for Fomentation of Culture and Extension Initiatives) will have the following composition:
The Committee will meet according to the schedule set by the Pro-Rector of Culture and University Extension, being considered a quorum for deliberations in the presence of 50% of the members at the first call and any number at the second call.
The resources to be made available by the Fostering Committee come from the Fundo Único de Promoção à Pesquisa, à Educação, à Cultura e à Extensão Universitária da Universidade de São Paulo – FUPPECEU-USP, as per article 4th of Resolution No. 5427, of December 12th, 2007, and subsequent changes.
The projects to be forwarded for analysis by the Funding Committee must demonstrate, clearly and objectively, their link to university extension through the application and diffusion of knowledge or cultural initiatives produced at the University, in actions aimed at interacting with society in general, prioritizing the reach of a broad public to make explicit the articulation of these actions with research and teaching activities of the proponent(s) – even if the project does not contemplate the simultaneous and immediate realization of these three spheres of activities.
The projects must be registered in the Apolo Corporate System – Incentive Module, in one of the ordinary meetings, according to the calendar fixed and published in the Apolo system, which also contains the flowchart of the projects to be presented to the Incentive Committee.
The person or people responsible for the projects originating from the Teaching Units, Museums, Specialized Institutes, and Organs must, obligatorily, be active faculty members at the University of São Paulo.
The University Culture and Extension Committees will be responsible for verifying, and not homologating, requests for projects that have already been contemplated and are in execution, and therefore no new request for the same project can be made before the end of its execution.
The Committee will not consider requests for reimbursement for activities already in progress and/or completed.
It is also up to the University Culture and Extension Committees, or equivalent body, to guide the project coordinators of their unit, as to the follow-up, through the Apolo system, of all the stages of analysis and deliberations of approval or not of resources and for which lines.
The University Culture and Extension Committees must obtain the support of the Ethics Committees of the Units, in projects that require an opinion from these Committees.
It will also be up to the University Culture and Extension Commissions, or equivalent body, to classify in descending order of priority the requests for funding approved by it when there is more than one request on the screen.
In projects that involve partnerships, coordinators must request the partner institution’s endorsement in advance.
The projects must have a maximum execution period of 12 (twelve) months and may be resubmitted after submission and approval of the appropriate academic and financial reports.
The maximum request limit must not exceed R$20,000.00 (twenty thousand reais) per project.
The projects submitted to the Committee will be analyzed by a body of advisors ad hoc, composed of members of the Commissions of Culture and Extension of the Units (presidents, vice presidents, and other members, provided they are professors). It is worth mentioning that the judgment (approved/not approved) is the responsibility of the Committee members.
The Funding Committee is not responsible for the continuous maintenance of projects, and the allocated resources are an initial contribution for further consolidation through the search for other funding sources by the proponents.
The resources released by the Committee will be aimed at meeting the greatest number of requests and restricted to the available funds.
Below, in items 7 and 8, a list of eligible items is presented, and then, non-eligible items, however, it should be noted that items not included in the eligible items and, eventually, those included in the non-eligible items, are subject to special analysis when the clear interest of the Unit or Body proposing the project or activity is demonstrated, using a detailed justification from the Culture and Extension Commission or equivalent Collegiate.
After analysis of merit, the financial resources may be granted to meet the following demands:
Granting of extension scholarships, for a maximum period of 12 (twelve) months, for undergraduate and graduate students, according to the values in effect during the period, currently R$ 400.00 (four hundred reais) for undergraduate students and R$ 480.00 (four hundred and eighty reais) for graduate students.
Fellows must be regularly enrolled at the University of São Paulo and work 10 hours a week or 40 hours a month. They are not eligible for any other institutional fellowship. It should be noted that it is not the purpose of this Committee to compete with USP’s Specific and Unified Scholarship Programs.
The per diems (if applicable only to faculty and staff of the University) already include lodging and food expenses.
The Committee establishes the maximum amount of 03 national and 05 international per diems, limited to one request per year, with the values based on the per diem table in force at the University of São Paulo on the date of the request.
In all promotional material, the support of the Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária must be highlighted, as well as the PRCEU logo, available at: http://www.prceu.usp.br and http://uspdigital.usp.br/apolo.
Provided that there is no availability on the University’s premises and free of charge. The Committee does not encourage the leasing of spaces within USP’s premises.
Attending to the values established in the per diem table of the University, also observing the applicability of what is contained in OF. VREA/CIRC/022/2013, of 09/17/2013.
As long as the video is an extension activity.
Only for official vehicles, and for public servants’ vehicles only if they are duly registered/registered and authorized according to Ordinance GR 3320 of January 14, 2002, amended by Ordinance GR 3569 of March 22, 2005, which institutes the reimbursement of expenses with public servants’ vehicles when at the service of the University.
The requests for these resources will be analyzed by taking as parameters the nature and relevance of the culture and extension activities, also observing the applicability of what is contained in the OF. VREA/CIRC/022/2013, of 09/17/2013.
Requests for funds to organize events, such as congresses, seminars, symposiums, fairs, workshops, etc., must comply with the parameters below:
Local or municipal events: up to the limit of R$ 4,000.00 (four thousand reais)
Regional or state events: up to the limit of R$ 6,000.00 (six thousand reais)
National events: up to the limit of R$ 10,000.00 (ten thousand reais)
International events: up to the limit of R$ 15,000.00 (fifteen thousand reais)
Land and air tickets (national/international), as well as lodging, will be analyzed in specific cases, having as parameters the nature and relevance of the culture and extension activities and through budget resources, also observing the applicability of what is contained in the OF. VREA/CIRC/022/2013, of 09/17/2013.
The Committee has no specific commitment to approve funding for the following items:
As long as the support is for publications of interest to culture and extension and has the merit of a funding agency, the Committee may support only one edition of the journal as support, but not the continuous flow, i.e., the perennial maintenance of the journal.
Specific cases, in which culture and extension activities have priority, may be analyzed by the Committee, as long as the clear interest of the Unit or Body proposing the project or activity is demonstrated, using a detailed justification from the Culture and Extension Commission or equivalent Collegiate.
The coordinators are responsible for the academic and financial management of the projects and for the use of the resources within the legal norms, as well as for the respective reports.
The use of funds for purposes other than those approved by the Committee is not allowed, except using an authorization request made through the Apolo corporate system, within the project’s term. Failure to comply with this item may lead to the PRCEU being reimbursed for the amount unduly used by the Project Coordination.
Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima