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USP professors can request financial support for culture and extension initiatives

USP professors can request financial support for culture and extension initiatives

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 03/03/2023

The results of the first call will be announced on April 28th

The Pró-reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária accepts applications until the 31st of March, in the first call, for funds of up to R$10,000 for outreach activities with society promoted by active USP professors and directors of bodies linked to PRCEU.

Funding can be provided for consumables and third-party services for events and cultural and extension activities, assistance for visiting professors, per diems for professors and civil servants, and allowances for occasional student collaborators.

Among the items that are not eligible for funding are permanent materials, extension courses, gifts, transportation, or coffee breaks.

Requests must be registered in the Sistema Apolo (Promotion Module).

The proposals will be sent for local analysis by the Comisão de Cultura e Extensão Universitária (University Culture and Extension Commission) and then selected by an evaluation committee. At the end of the project, applicants must submit an academic report and render accounts.

The full notice is available below for viewing or downloading.

diretrizes FOMENTO_final (1)


USP professors can request financial support for culture and extension initiatives
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