With more than 80 free activities offered, the Encontro USP Escolas expects the participation of about a thousand teachers in the five days of the event
By Elcio Silva | Cover photo – Organizing Committee of the Encontro USP Escola 16/5/2023 – 18h30
Free registration for the 23rd Encontro USP Escola is open from May 16 to June 12, 2023. The university extension project, carried out for 12 years, offers more than 80 continuing education activities for teachers of basic education in the public and private education networks. Registrations are made online through Apolo system of USP with priority for teachers in effective performance.
The meeting has already served more than 10 thousand teachers and its main objective is to enable the expansion of the dialog between teachers from the University and basic education with a focus on sharing experiences based on the contemporary challenges of education in all areas of knowledge.
For Professor Eduardo Donizeti Girotto, coordinator of the event and professor of the Department of Geography, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH) of USP, “the event is an important opportunity to deepen USP’s commitment to basic education, building bridges between USP teachers and different education networks, in order to share knowledge, practices and reflections”.

Courses, conversation circles, lectures, debate tables and workshops are planned during the five days of the event that will be held from July 17 to 21, 2023. Photo of the 22nd edition – Disclosure USP School Meeting.
Among the activities offered are 30-hour refresher courses, conversation circles, lectures, debate tables, addressing themes from different areas of knowledge and that dialogue with the curricula of basic education.
Games and Playful Activity of Mathematics for early grades; Anti-racist Pedagogical Practices; Creative processes and perceptual experiences in Sciences; Sustainability and equity in environmental education practices; Use of smartphone sensors in Physics Teaching; Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Metaverses in Programming Teaching: Training Young People for the Future; are some examples of the courses that are divided into five areas: education, humanities, languages, mathematics and nature.
The 30-hour courses are validated by the Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo State Department of Education) and allow the certificates to be used in the functional progression of teachers in the network.
The activities will be held between July 17 and 21, 2023 at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of USP. The project is linked to Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária (PRCEU) da USP. More information about the 23rd edition of the USP School Meeting can be accessed on the event website. Click here.
The Meeting was created in 2007 at the Institute of Physics (IF) of USP, initially aimed only at teachers of this discipline. In 2011, with the adhesion of the organizers to the Programa Novos Talentos da Capes (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), it became the current USP School Meeting with coverage for all areas of knowledge and participation of other USP units.
23º Encontro USP Escola opens registration
When | From May 16 to June 12, 2023.
Where | Online through USP’s Apolo system – https://uspdigital.usp.br/apolo/
How much | Free
Target audience | Basic education teachers from public and private schools.
Information | More information can be accessed on the event website at: https://bit.ly/encontrouspescola
Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima