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Seminário – Núcleo dos Direitos

Seminário – Núcleo dos Direitos

III Seminário do Núcleo dos Direitos da USP “Universidade Responsável: Educação dos Direitos e a Construção da Cidadania”

Marking the third year of the Núcleo de Direitos activities of the Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão, the Seminar Universidade Responsável: Educação dos Direitos e a Construção da Cidadania aims at deepening the discussion on the role of education and university in the construction of citizenship, recognizing that  USP has the inescapable responsibility in this process and that the issue of human rights must be present in all its actions.

With an intense program over two days, the event contemplates discussions to propose a reflection on the role of the University in the face of threats and violations of rights that have been making present in their daily lives and in the country as well as on the diversity and rights in their teaching programs and on the role of extension activities in the defense and promotion of these rights. Are comprehensive issues that presents challenges and requires reflections, coordinated actions of management in partnership with an organized civil society.

At the end of the event, a plenary will be held to encourage an active discussion of the topics presented over the Seminar and for the preparation of a guideline document that indicates, with respect to questions of law, social inclusion and citizenship, ways to actions of the University over the next few years. Thus, it is expected that the seminar constitute a starting point for the implementation of new policies that will enable the University to establish itself as a truly civic institution, accountable and participatory in building a more fair, egalitarian and tolerant society.

In addition we have two preliminary activities, the CineCidadania – 2ª Mostra do Núcleo dos Direitos on 7 to 23 August and  the I Workshop A USP e as Ações para o Desenvolvimento Integral na Primeira Infância on 19 August. More information below.

With these three activities, the PRCEU celebrates its third year of activities counting for their actions to the community and strengthening its role in promoting debate and reflection about the culture of rights and about the construction of citizenship in the USP and in the community.


7 to 23 August

Schedule of national and international films, documentary and fiction, covering topics such as sexual diversity, racism, violence against women, education, labor relations, social inequality and physical disabilities. The idea of the show is to bring together acclaimed films that combine aesthetic quality to the discussion of urgent topics in the society and in the university.

CINUSP Paulo Emílio
sessions from Monday to Friday, 4pm and 7pm
Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Colmeia, favo 4 – Cidade Universitária
05508-010 | São Paulo
Tel. (11) 3091-3540

Centro Universitário Maria Antonia
sessions on Fridays, 8pm; Saturdays and Sundays, 5.30pm and 8pm
Rua Maria Antonia, 294, 1º andar – Vila Buarque
01222-010 | São Paulo
Tel. (11) 3123-5200
more informations: www.usp.br/cinusp

 I Workshop “A USP voltada a Ações para o Desenvolvimento Integral na Primeira Infância”

19 August from 8.30am to 5.15pm

Offered in partnership with the Fundação Maria Cecília Souto Vidigal (FMCSV), the event is intended to discuss ideas and work aimed at promoting full compliance with early childhood issues in the university environment, and to present to the public the final results of five winning projects from the announcement Ações para o desenvolvimento integral na Primeira Infância sponsored by the Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal and contemplated by the Programa de Editais 2013 da Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária da USP.


Auditório (Room 14) do Conjunto Didático de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais da Faculdade de Filosofia Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315 – Cidade Universitária
05508-010 | São Paulo
Tel. (11) 2648-0862 | (11) 3091-9183

Check the schedule at the event brochure or on the website https://prceu.usp.br/nucleodosdireitos/eventos


The Núcleo dos Direitos  was created by PRCEU in August 2012. It brings together various extention programs of the University, who has as a common horizon the perspective of fundamental rights. Its purpose is to encourage and support actions of the university community that promotes the building of a fair, free and democratic society.

It is part of the Núcleo de Direitos the programs Aproxima-Ação,Incubadora Tecnológica de Cooperativas PopularesNovos Talentos da USP CapitalUniversidade Aberta à Terceira IdadeUSP Diversidade and USP Legal.

Seminário – Núcleo dos Direitos
  • Coordenador Rubens Beçak
  • Vice-Coordenador Reinaldo Pacheco da Costa