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Estação Ciência (Science Station)
Culture and Extension Center

Estação Ciência (Science Station)

The Science Station is a center for scientific, technological, and cultural dissemination of the University of São Paulo. Its existence fulfills one of the university’s three main missions: to provide society with access to all science, in a facilitated and understandable way. Access to education and scientific knowledge is the primary path to the development of a more just, inclusive, and sustainable society.


The USP Science Station’s mission is to offer scientific and practical education that provides children, youth, and adults with the development of a genuine interest in science and an understanding of the world around them.


The Science Station believes that scientific education stimulates critical thinking, logical reasoning, creativity for problem-solving, communication skills, and useful skills for young people for their future academic and professional progress.


Contact with science from the early school years promotes learning skills, the development of imagination and a responsible consciousness, objectivity, and the capacity for innovation among children and young people, which are fundamental for the growth of a healthy, technological, and sustainable society.

Annual Reports




Important notice

Due to the return of the building, the Estação Ciência has left the building it has occupied since the beginning of its activities, at Rua Guaicurus, 1394, Lapa.

Because it changes location, the academic project of this organ of the Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária of the University of São Paulo is being reformulated and, later, the study phase of its physical space in another location will begin.

The expositions were made available to the public in other USP spaces, especially Parque CienTec, which offers several spaces and activities dedicated to science, technology, and the environment. To visit, check out the website: parquecientec.usp.br.

In addition to this, USP also offers other options for cultural visits for the population:

http://parquecientec.usp.br/ (Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia) (Science and Technology Park)
https://prceu.usp.br/girocultural/ (Giro Cultural USP) (USP Cultural Tour)
https://prceu.usp.br/orgaos/  (Conjunto de Órgãos da Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária) (Organs of the Pro-Rectory of Culture and University Extension)
http://www.mac.usp.br/mac/ (Museu de Arte Contemporânea) (Contemporary Art Museum)
http://www.nptbr.mae.usp.br/  (Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia) (Ethnology and Archeology Museum)
http://www.mz.usp.br/ (Museu de Zoologia) (Zoology Museum)                   
http://www.igc.usp.br/museu/home.php ( Museu de Geociências) (Geosciences Museum)
http://mav.fmvz.usp.br/pt-BR/ ( Museu de Anatomia Veterinária) (Museum of Veterinary Anatomy)
http://www.io.usp.br/index.php/infraestrutura/museu-oceanografico/apresentacao (Museu Oceanográfico) (Oceanographic Museum)

Further questions and information requests can be forwarded to estacao.ciencia@usp.br, with a copy to prceu-atd@usp.br.

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária (Pro-Rectory of Culture and University Extension)
University of São Paulo

Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

Estação Ciência (Science Station)
  • Diretor Astolfo Gomes de Mello Araújo