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Continuing Education and Graduate Courses

Courses that involve practice or post-academic learning. From the professional point of view, it is the set of efforts required of the professional to keep up with changes in his or her area of work.

The Specialization course is a lato sensu graduation modality, with a minimum duration of 360 hours. It should be constituted as an organized system of one or more disciplines, aimed at qualifying professionals in a specific field of knowledge. The Specialization course has a technical-professional nature and enables interested parties to deepen their knowledge and skills in a given area, deepening their undergraduate education.

With a minimum workload of 180 hours, the Improvement Course is an organized system of one or more subjects, given only to graduated students, aiming a broader knowledge in specific fields of professional activity.

Aims to spread the progress of knowledge in certain areas or disciplines. With a minimum workload of 30 hours, it is aimed at those interested in reviewing and improving their professional activities, as well as interacting with professionals in the field. It is aimed at those who wish to broaden their knowledge in their area of interest or get to know new areas of activity, improving their professional training.

As of December 2, 2019, a new amendment for the regulation concerning USP extension courses has come into effect, including policies for free of charge courses. Learn more.