Three chambers assist the Conselho de Cultura e Extensão Universitária (Council for Culture and University Extension — CoCEx) in its deliberations: the Câmara de Ação Cultural e de Extensão Universitária (Chamber of Cultural Action and University Extension), the Câmara de Cursos de Extensão (Chamber of Extension Courses), and the Câmara de Formação Profissional (Chamber of Professional Training). Seven full members of the CoCEx (six faculty members and a member of the student body), elected by their peers in a secret ballot during CoCEx meetings, compose each chamber.
Check out the meetings schedule
The chambers:
Chamber of Cultural Action and University Extension
The Chamber of Cultural Action and University Extension is specifically responsible for proposing to the Council of Culture and University Extension (CoCEx) political guidelines for cultural action and university extension; manifesting itself, for later deliberation by the CoCEx, on cultural action and university extension programs monitoring and evaluating them; deliberating on matters delegated by the CoCEx; exercising the other functions assigned to it by the Pro-rector or the CoCEx.
It is also the responsibility of the Chamber to apply the relevant regulations for the Núcleos de Apoio às Atividades de Cultura e Extensão Universitária (Supporting Centers for Activities of Culture and University Extension — NACEs): analysis and approval of the activity reports of the NACEs; evaluation of proposals for the creation of new NACEs; systematic analysis of the administrative quality of the resources destined to the financing of the NACEs.
Members of the Chamber of Cultural Action and University Extension
Guidelines for Junior Enterprises
JuniorAcademic Report and Accountability Model for Junior Enterprises
Chamber of Extension Courses
The Chamber of Extension Courses was created by Resolution of the Council of Culture and University Extension, in 2000, and its functions concern the proposal of political guidelines for the academic extension to the CoCEx; homologation, in cases provided by the Council, of extension courses, monitoring and evaluating them; deliberation on matters delegated by the CoCEx; and fulfillment of other functions that are conferred by higher levels.
Its members meet at least once a month to review new proposals for professional training activities, follow up and assess ongoing or already closed activities. The Chamber assesses projects in the modalities of Vocational Practice, Residency, and Renovation Programs.
Members of the Chamber of Professional Training
Chamber of Vocational Training
The Chamber of Vocational Training, Created in 2011, is responsible for proposing political guidelines for extension in professional training to the CoCEx; homologating, in the cases foreseen in specific Resolutions, the professional training activities, monitoring and evaluating them; deliberating on matters delegated by the CoCEx and performing other functions assigned by the Council.
Its members meet at least once a month to review new proposals for professional training activities, follow up and assess ongoing or already closed activities. The Chamber assesses projects in the modalities of Vocational Practice, Residency, and Renovation Programs.
Members of the Chamber of Professional Training
Advisory Committee of the Chamber of Vocational Training (COREMU)
The Advisory Committee of the Chamber of Vocational Training (Comissão Assessor da Câmara de Formação Professional – COREMU) was established in 2012, given the Ministry of Education’s requirement to set up a coordinating body. This Commission is in charge of planning and watching over the execution of Residency Programs in the Health Professional Area and related activities, within the scope of any of the units, agencies, assistance, and teaching entities of the University of São Paulo and respective associated or affiliated institutions. It coordinates, organizes, articulates, supervises, standardizes, and monitors the set of Residency Programs in the Health Professional Area; defining guidelines, approving edicts, and following up the selection process of candidates to the programs, as well as the performance evaluations of those approved along with the development of the program; systematically following up and evaluating the programs.
Its members meet regularly to follow up and assess Residency Programs and issues related to their projects’ execution.
Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima