The festive gathering features free performances open to the general public in University City
The Coral da Universidade de São Paulo (Coralusp) promotes in the next two weekends the 14th edition of the Coralusp Festival.
Artistic director Eduardo Fernandes explains that the program is “quite diverse with the participation of Coralusp groups and guests such as Unicamp, Unesp, Unifesp and Mackenzie universities, youth choirs and those maintained by the city halls of Jundiaí and Santo André”.
“It is a significant showcase of what is done in choral singing today, with a diverse repertoire of popular, classical and sacred music, as well as groups that sing in a non-traditional way, what we call a scenic choir, which mixes the language of music with theater.”
The free performances, open to the general public, are held at the Camargo Guarnieri Amphitheater, on USP’s Butantã campus, on Friday evenings, Saturday mornings and evenings and also on Sunday mornings and afternoons.
Text: Fabio Rubira
Audio Player
Interview by presenter Elcio Silva with conductors Marcia Hentschel and Eduardo Fernandes in the “Cultura na USP” program aired by Rádio USP on 15/06/2023
Capturing and edition: Karen Freiberger
14th Coralusp Festival
Check out the full program
June 16th (Friday) at 08h30 pm
Coralusp Sestina, Coral Unifesp e Coro Jovem do Estado de São Paulo
June 17th (Saturday) at 11h00 am
Coral Jovem do Colégio Jardim São Paulo, Coro Infanto-Juvenil da Associação Contraponto e Coral Jovem Mackenzie
June 17th (Saturday) at 08:30 pm
Coralusp Azul, Coralusp Sul Fiato e Coro da Cidade de Santo André
June 18th (Sunday) at 11:00 am
Coralusp 12 em Ponto, Madrigal In Casa e Coral Municipal de Jundiaí
June 18th (Sunday) at 05:00 pm
Coralusp Lapa e Dona Yayá, Coral da ECA e Collegium Musicum
June 23rd (Friday) às 08h30
Madrigal Viva Voz/Coral Todos os Cantos, Coralusp Tarde e Feminino e Coral Escola Comunicantus
June 24th (Saturday) at 11:00 am
Coralusp XI de Agosto, Coro Osvaldo Lacerda e Canarinhos da Terra – Unicamp
June 24th (Saturday) at 08:30 am
Coralusp Zimana, Coralusp Jupará e Cia Canto Vivo
June 25th (Sunday) at 11:00 am
Coralusp Feminino, Madrigueiros e Coral Adultos Iniciantes EMESP Tom Jobim / Coral do Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
June 25th (Sunday) at 05:00 pm
Coralusp Andante, Madrigal Unesp e Coro Contemporâneo de Campinas
How much | free
Where | Anfiteatro Camargo Guarnieri (Rua do Anfiteatro, 109, Butantã, São Paulo-SP).
More informations |
Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima