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From Villa-Lobos to Bach, five free concerts by the USP Symphony Orchestra in São Paulo

From Villa-Lobos to Bach, five free concerts by the USP Symphony Orchestra in São Paulo

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 09/13/2022

With works that move from Villa-Lobos to Bach, presentations will have Carlos Prazeres, Alessandro Santoro, Carlos Moreno, Tobias Volkmann and Antonio Lauro Del Claro conducting

By Elcio Silva / Photos Cecília Bastos / USP Images.
9/13/2022 17h58
Last update  9/27/2023 11:35 am 


The USP Symphony Orchestra (Osusp) performs five free concerts in September and October, on the 16th, 24th and 30th of September and on the 8th and 21st of October, all at the Camargo Guarnieri Amphitheater, in Cidade Universitária. The presentations are open to the entire population, without the need for a link with USP. The reservation of part of the 400 tickets is available on the appticket platform. Another part will be distributed on the day of the events. Osusp suggests to the public the donation of 1 kilo of non-perishable food.

According to maestro Gil Jardim, director of Osusp, Brazilian music and the works of great classical music composers are on the agenda in the months of September and October. “The idea of ​​programming for the second half of 2022 is to bring a wide diversity of musical manifestations, taking the opportunity to develop cycles of works that bring us information and the pleasure of listening”, he highlights.

Apresentação Osusp

OSUSP presentation in August with a full audience. Photo: Cecília Bastos/USP Images

Conducted by Carlos Prazeres, principal conductor of the Orquestra Sinfônica da Bahia – OSBA, on September 16, at 12:30 pm, Osusp performs the VII Symposium Villa-Lobos concert, in honor of the composer. With intense activity in popular music, Prazeres develops a relevant and recognized work of cultural diffusion with the OSBA. The soprano saxophone solo is by Douglas Braga, nominated for a 2014 Grammy for the work “Gare Saint-Lazare”, by the Art&Sax Quartet.

On the 24th, at 4 pm, Osusp continues the series of concerts with Brazilian composers and works by Schumann. The regency is by Carlos Moreno and brings a world premiere, the work Aussuba: Concerto for percussion and orchestra trio (2022), by Carlos dos Santos, with the trio Durum Percussão Brasil, composed by Leopoldo Prado, Riccardo Appezzatto and Rodolfo Vilaggio. The composition pays homage to the Brazilian indigenous communities and to the indigenists Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips. The afternoon is completed by Symphony nº 4, in D minor, op. 120, by Robert Schumann, and Dança Húngara nº 5, by Johannes Brahms, with orchestration by Martin Schmeling.

Rádio USP – Prof. Marli Quadros Leite, pro-rector of culture and university extension at USP, talks about the tribute to indigenous people Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips in the concert on September 24th.

Finishing the September presentations, on the 30th, the Bach – Haynes Cycle brings the 3rd Meeting Manhãs at Café Zimmermann. Under the regency and harpsichord solo by Alessandro Santoro, concerts Brandeburgueses nº 2, 4, 8 and 10 will be performed, the last two adapted by Canadian conductor Bruce Haynes.

Manhãs no Café Zimmermann proposes a little of the context in which the works were performed by the German composer, following the practice of the time, where they were performed in small chamber ensembles. Osusp will make videos of the cycle’s presentations available on its YouTube channel.

Apresentação Osusp

Osusp’s presentation on August 20 was conducted by Guilherme Mannis and violin solo by Tânia Camargo Guarnieri, daughter of composer Camargo Guarnieri. Photo: Cecília Bastos/USP Images.

The October program resumes on the 8th the cycle with Brazilian composers and Schumann. Conducted by Tobias Volkmann, it also features the horn quartet formed by Vitor Ferreira, Weslei Lima, Danillo Silles and Rafael Froes. The program features Quiet City, by Aaron Copland, Suite Vila Rica, by Mozart Camargo Guarnieri, and Peça Concertante for four horns and orchestra, in F major, op. 86, by Robert Schumann.

On the 21st, it presents a tribute to Antonio Lauro Del Claro for the 60 years of his career. The regency and cello solo is by the honoree himself. The program features Adagio, by Arcangelo Corelli, Ponteio n. 48, by Mozart Camargo Guarnieri, Concerto nº 12 for cello and orchestra in E flat major, by Luigi Boccherini, in its first audition in São Paulo, and ends with Symphony n. 35 in D major k.385, Haffner, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.



Osusp Concerts – September and October

When | September 16, 12:30 pm –VII Villa-Lobos’s Symposium

                                                              Carlos Prazeres, regency

                                                      Douglas Braga, soprano saxophone

Tickets | https://appticket.com.br/osusp-apresenta-carlos-prazeres-douglas-braga


When| September 24, 4 pmBrazilian Composers and the Schumann Cycle

                                                                 Carlos Moreno, regency

                                                                 Durum Percussão Brasil

                                                                 Leopoldo Prado

                                                                 Riccardo Appezzatto

                                                                 Rodolfo Vilaggio

Tickets | https://appticket.com.br/osusp-apresenta-concerto-carlos-moreno-durum-percussao

                                                                  Release from September 16


When | September 30, 12:30 pm  – Bach-Haynes Cycle

                                                              Alessandro Santoro, harpsichord and regency

Tickets | https://appticket.com.br/osusp-concerto-alessandro-santoro (previous link changed by Osusp)

Release from September 24

When| October 8, 4 pmBrazilian Composers and the Schumann Cycle

                                                      Tobias Volkmann, conducting

                                                              Vitor Ferreira, horn

                                                              Weslei Lima, horn

                                                             Danillo Silles, horn

                                                             Rafael Froes, horn

Tickets | https://appticket.com.br/osusp-apresenta-concerto-tobias-volkmann-quarteto-trompas

                                          Release from September 30


When | Octuber 21, 12:30 pm Tribute to the 60 years of Antonio Lauro del Claro’s career

                                                          Antonio Lauro del Claro,

 cello and conducting

Tickets | https://appticket.com.br/osusp-apresenta-concerto-homenagem-antonio-lauro-del-claro
                                                          Release from October 8

Where | Camargo Guarnieri Amphitheater

Rua do Anfiteatro, 109 – Butantã, São Paulo

Cost| free

Proof of vaccination against covid-19 with at least two doses or a single dose is mandatory. Part of the tickets will be distributed on the day of the events. Osusp suggests to the public the donation of 1 kilo of non-perishable food.

Information and program | sinfonica@usp.brhttp://www.osusp.prceu.usp.br/

From Villa-Lobos to Bach, five free concerts by the USP Symphony Orchestra in São Paulo