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USP announces 6th call for culture and extension initiatives projects

USP announces 6th call for culture and extension initiatives projects

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 11/11/2020

Partnership between USP, Santander, and FUSP promotes the 6th call for proposals to foster culture and university extension initiatives and finance projects up to 10,000 reais

By Michel Sitnik
11/11/2020 6h


A partnership between the University of São Paulo, the Fundação de Apoio a Universidade de São Paulo (FUSP), and Santander opens the 6º Edital Santander / USP / FUSP de Fomento às Iniciativas de Cultura e Extensão (6th Santander / USP / FUSP Call to Foster Culture and Extension Initiatives). The objective is to financially support proposals that demonstrate their link to university extension through actions focused on society.

The projects must be submitted by active faculty members linked to the teaching and research units, museums, specialized institutes, and other organs of the University of São Paulo.

To enroll, the interested party must register on the “Fomento” tab of the Apolo corporate system, from January 5 to March 6, 2021. A calendar and the flow chart for the projects submitted to the review committee will be disclosed in the system.

The call for proposals will approve projects worth up to R$10,000 — up to the limit of the funds available for this purpose.

The production of educational material, consumption material, and third-party services (legal entity) can be financed.

The list of approved applicants will be released on May 12, 2021. The selected works must be executed from July 1 to December 7, 2021, and the rendering of accounts must be done until January 21, 2022.

Priority will be given to extension projects with impact, relevance, and scope that do not have other funding possibilities or potential funding partners.

The complete announcement is available for viewing or downloading below.


6 Edital USP SANTANDER FUSP FOMENTO 04112020 ultima versao (2) (1)
USP announces 6th call for culture and extension initiatives projects