The BBM no vestibular project features free, open classes with experts on the 9 literature books selected for the exams. In partnership with publishers, there will be a raffle of books for the public.
By Tiago Cesquim
03/23/2023 2:27
On next March 29, at 6 p.m., Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e Jose Mindlin (BBM) from USP will host a class and discussion on the work Quincas Borba, by Machado de Assis. Conducted by Hélio de Seixas Guimarães, a specialist in Machado’s work and deputy director of the library, the event kicks off the annual BBM no vestibular (BBM program on the entrance exam), in which each of the Fuvest books will receive a special lecture conducted by a USP guest.
“The idea is to present the book, highlighting points that allow critical reflection on the world and that could potentially be covered in the entrance exams,” says Guimarães. Hélio Guimarães is a professor of Brazilian Literature in the Department of Classical and Vernacular Literature at Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH) from USP and believes that literature allows individuals to deepen their perception and understanding of the world. “The assumption is that literature problematizes the human experience in various dimensions – individual, collective, existential – which allows us to think with more nuances,” he says.
Bringing the general public closer to the scientific and academic world, as well as providing a powerful means of learning for those who are preparing to apply for a place at university, USP offers various resources for students and aficionados. The Biblioteca Brasiliana and the Jornal da USP have published series of free online classes with content produced in previous years, some of which is still included in the current selection of entrance exams. But taking part in the face-to-face meetings at the BBM has a special character.

Hélio de Seixas Guimarães is a professor of literature at USP and will give the first lecture in the BBM series for the 2024 entrance exam, on the book “Quincas Borba” by Machado de Assis.
“Holding the event at the university where most of the students who are applying to university want to go is a way of bringing students closer to the academic environment, of making what they want a reality,” says Guimarães, who also points out that, although the event is aimed at students, it is open to anyone interested in learning more about the works, the authors and their contexts.
“The fact that it’s being held in a library that houses an extraordinary collection of books, including first editions of many of the works that are on the list of books for the Fuvest entrance exam, is also a way of bringing students closer to books and the culture of books, and of showing them some of the resources offered by the university not only to the academic public but to the public in general,” he says.
The classes will be held in the Sala Villa-Lobos, a privileged space for engaging with the subject. In addition to learning about the books for the entrance exam, participants have the opportunity to learn about the richness of the collection and the possibilities of accessing digital library projects. To make things even better, BBM has partnered with publishers to raffle off the book being studied during the events.
The Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin from USP preserves a unique collection on Brazilian history and literature, available to society for both physical and digital access. Celebrating 10 years since its opening, the BBM has an extensive program dedicated to keeping alive the desire of José Mindlin, the donor of the collection, to “inoculate the virus of reading” to new generations.
BBM NO VESTIBULAR (Livros da Fuvest 2024)
03/29 – Quincas Borba, Machado de Assis
04/26 – Alguma Poesia, Carlos Drummond de Andrade
05/31 – Angústia, Graciliano Ramos
06/14 – Romanceiro da Inconfidência, Cecília Meireles
06/28 – Marília de Dirceu, Tomás Antônio Gonzaga
08/02 – Nós Matamos o Cão Tinhoso, Luís Bernardo Honwana
08/30 – Mensagem, Fernando Pessoa
09/27 – Campo Geral, Guimarães Rosa
10/25 – Dois Irmãos, Milton Hatoum
BBM NO VESTIBULAR – Livros da Fuvest 2024
Quincas Borba, Machado de Assis.
Date | March 29th, 2023
Schedule | from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Location | Sala Villa Lobos, Biblioteca Brasiliana da USP
Address | Rua da Biblioteca, 21, Cidade Universitária
Butantã – São Paulo – SP – 05508-050
How much | Free
Translated by Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima