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Brasiliana Library promotes meeting with Itamar Vieira Junior

Brasiliana Library promotes meeting with Itamar Vieira Junior

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 10/24/2023

The event with the award-winning writer from Bahia aims to promote reading habits and the formation of readers

Eliete Viana

Next Monday, October 30th, at 6:30 pm, the author of the novels Torto Arado and Salvar o Fogo (Todavia), will be at USP for a conversation about reading in the writer’s formation, the writer’s relationship with his readers and other subjects related to reading in general, carried out by the Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita and José Mindlin (BBM) in the István Jancsó Auditorium.

Winner of the Leya, Oceanos and Jabuti awards, Itamar Vieira Junior was born in Salvador, Bahia, in 1979. He is a geographer and has a doctorate in ethnic and African studies from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). His novel Torto Arado is one of the biggest successes — among audiences and critics — in Brazilian literature in recent decades and has been translated in more than twenty countries, with a future adaptation for audiovisual. This work recently arrived on the United States literary market and is being considered by critics to be “the most important Brazilian novel of the century so far”.

A conversation with the author will feature Lígia Ferreira, professor at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) and specialist in the work of Luís Gama, and Hélio de Seixas Guimarães, professor of Brazilian Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) from USP, which will also mediate with the public.

This meeting will be the first of the Invitation to Reading Project, which “aims to train readers and encourage reading, which is also an important function of libraries. One of the objectives and pleasures of José Mindlin (1914-2010) with his library made up of such special books [which gave rise to BBM] was to encourage reading and inoculate what he called the “book virus”. By inviting authors to talk about their experiences as readers, we want to bring authors and readers closer together, after all, every author is first and foremost a reader”, explains Guimarães, who is also the curator of the initiative and deputy director of BBM.

The target audience is all people interested in literature, those who work with literary literacy for young people and adults, as well as the internal community at USP.

The event with Itamar Vieira Junior will be simultaneously broadcast on the BBM YouTube channel and will be recorded to form a digital library of BBM’s New Brazilian Literature.




Meeting with Itamar Vieira Junior 

Conversation with the participation of teachers Lígia Ferreira and Hélio de Seixas Guimarães

When | October 30th (Monday) at 6:30 pm

Where | István Jancsó Auditorium, at Espaço Brasiliana, at Rua da Biblioteca, 21 – Cidade Universitária, São Paulo

How much | Free, no registration required (subject to auditorium capacity, which has a capacity of 320 seats)

Encontro com Itamar Vieira Junior