Integrated to leisure Cycle lane, the Cidade Universitária will receive the population on June 4th with art, music and scientific dissemination
On Sunday, June 4th, the USP Butantã campus will be open to the entire population with an unprecedented event to celebrate the World Bicycle Day (June 3rd) and the World Environment Day (June 5th).
On this date, Cidade Universitária will be connected to Ciclofaixa de lazer da cidade de São Paulo (São Paulo’s Cycle Lane) on Rua Avarenga, which pedestrians and bicycles can access. Inside the campus, seven tents with cultural activities will be set up. Among the attractions, there will be exhibitions about the physics applied to bicycles, math concepts, an exhibition of dinosaur skulls, a workshop on planting and urban gardening, a visit to the Olympic lane, an orientation about cultural heritage, and musical presentations. The public can also take the opportunity to visit Museu de Arqueologia e Etnografia of USP (MAE), which will open this Sunday exceptionally to receive the event participants.
The public can arrive at the event pedaling their own bicycles in the Cycle lanes, but it will also be possible to use the Bike Sampa service. Car parking will also be free on campus. The official entrance will be through Gate 1 (Rua Alvarenga X Av. Afrânio Peixoto), but bicycle access will also be allowed through the gates on Rua Teixeira Soares and the CPTM/Ponte Cidade Universitária.

USP’s Campus counts on a permanent cycling structure that will also attend the event. Photo: USP Imagens / Marcos Santos
To facilitate the planning of the route, totems will indicate a suggested circuit that includes all the attractions. With about 4 km, the route is concentrated in a flat area, allowing families to participate and not requiring much physical fitness. The map can be seen below:

Pedalando com Cultura map
The pró-reitora de cultura e extensão universitária da USP (pro-rector of culture and university extension of USP), Marli Quadros Leite, highlights the importance of diversifying the offer of cultural activities for the population, thus expanding its reach. “USP offers, throughout the year, a very large and varied set of cultural options in several places. With this event, we seek to reach a new public that still doesn’t know or doesn’t frequent our cultural centers, because we are offering the programming integrated to a leisure circuit, outdoors, with movement. In addition, we bring together different types of content in a single event, with music, science, and art”.
The campus mayor, Raquel Rolnik, points out that the event privileges management’s commitments regarding the campus and the urban conception: “First, the possibility of appropriating public areas and using them for leisure activities and activities related to scientific production and study, with the campus open on Sunday for that”, she affirms. “And second, the promotion of active mobility, of the bicycle as a viable and important mode of transport, which does not generate pollution effects and allows another relationship between the body and the territory,” she adds.
Check out the attractions
Physics of bicycle The Laboratório de Demonstrações do Instituto de Física da USP (Physics Institute Demonstration Laboratory of USP) will have exhibits and interactive activities demonstrating the concepts involved in the bicycle and explaining why it is the most efficient vehicle there is;
Participants will be able to enter the lane area, know the space, take pictures, and learn more about the history of the place and the sport.
Participants will be able to enter the USP Sustentabilidade area, learn more about the project, and get to know the space where there is an agro-ecological vegetable garden, compost heaps, rain garden, native stingless bee hives, and where several workshops are held (healthy and sustainable eating, garden joint effort, native beekeeping) and learn how to participate;
Musical performances by different groups with several repertoires;
A team of educators talking to the public with guidelines about the cultural heritage that can be seen at USP, such as monuments and statues, as well as broader concepts about heritage;
The interactive exhibition surprises and invites visitors to see instigating aspects of mathematics through objects designed to delight and challenge even those who do not usually have such a friendly relationship with this science;
Coordinated by professor Luiz Eduardo Anelli, the exhibit of skulls and information about Brazilian dinosaurs also has banners and monitors from the Instituto de Geociências (Institute of Geosciences) explaining the details of Earth’s evolution.
Pedalando com Cultura
When | July 4th, Sunday, at 9am to 1pm
Where | Butantã USP Campus with access through Portão 1 (Gate 1), at the corner of Rua Alvarenga and av. Afrânio Peixoto. Bicycles will also be allowed to enter through the gates on Rua Teixeira Soares and CPTM/Ponte
How much | free
Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima