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Brutalization of urban spaces is the theme of a free course

Brutalization of urban spaces is the theme of a free course

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 07/27/2023

Racism and violence will be addressed in the study of the brutalization of urban spaces, and its implications on social manifestations.


The Centro Maria Antonia of USP is hosting the free course Violência, urbanismo e performance nas Américas – leituras possíveis, starting August 3. Taught by editor and doctoral student Clarx Barzaghi, it is divided into five face-to-face meetings, always on Thursdays, from 3 to 5 pm. With 75 vacancies, online registrations in the USP Apolo system are made through the link http://e.usp.br/ocf  until July 28.

The course aims to address how brutalism, or brutalization, operates in contemporary urban spaces, focusing on cultural and artistic manifestations in the context of the Americas. According to Barzaghi, “considering the construction of gender, class and race in the dynamics of cities, we will seek connections between urbanism, racial capitalism and the systemic violence perpetrated by both the state and its legitimate delegates”.

Students with at least 75% attendance will receive a certificate of participation.


August 3
Racism and violence: readings to challenge our frames of reference (Ruth Gilmore, Judith Butler, Cedric Robinson

August 10
Spatial violence as a strategy for controlling manifestations in the sphere of appearance (Françoise Vergés, Paul Preciado, Gilles Deleuze).

August 17
Crossing borders: writing the world from the Global South (Ananya Roy, Achille Mbembe, Vera Malaguti)

August 24
Lives that matter: narratives and counter-narratives of urban space (Saidiya Hartman, Christina Sharpe, Racionais MCS etc)

August 31
The body and space: undoing the world. (Jack Halberstam, Mary Nardini Gang, Colectivo Las Tesis etc.)

About the professor
Clarx Barzaghi is an editor and PhD candidate in architecture and urbanism at the Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo (Fecfau) of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), where he is developing research on urbanism and the war on drugs, focusing on Medellín, Colombia, under the guidance of Rafael Urano Frajndlich. She conducted part of her doctoral research in the department of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, under the guidance of Saidiya Hartman. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU) of the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), a master’s degree in clinical psychology from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica  (PUC) of São Paulo, with research focused on urbanism, violence and contemporary art in Latin America. He worked as an editorial assistant at n-1 edições and is one of the founders of Crocodilo edições, of which he is editor.


Violência, urbanismo e performance nas Américas – leituras possíveis

Where  |  Centro Maria Antonia da USP

Rua Maria Antônia, 294, Vila Buarque – São Paulo – near of  Higienópolis metro Station.

When | August 3 to 31, 2023, Thursdays, from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.

How much | Free

Registration | 75 face-to-face vacancies with certificate Registration | through the Sitema Apolo http://e.usp.br/ocf (if the number of participants exceeds the number of vacancies there will be a draw)

Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

Brutalização dos espaços urbanos é tema de curso gratuito