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Pirassununga Campus – Extension Courses

Pirassununga Campus – Extension Courses

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 12/20/2024

Pirassununga Campus – Extension Courses 

University Extension courses at the University of São Paulo presuppose professional training and continuing education and must be registered in the USP Sistema USP de Cultura e Extensão – Apolo and approved by the competent bodies.

University Extension courses aim to specialize, improve, update or disseminate knowledge and can be taught in person or at a distance, in the following modalities:

Specialization, with a minimum workload of 360 (three hundred and sixty) hours;
Improvement, with a minimum workload of 180 (one hundred and eighty) hours;
Update, with a minimum workload of 30 (thirty) hours; and
Diffusion, with a minimum workload of 04 (four) hours.

Check below some of the university extension courses being offered by USP in the campuses of the countryside of São Paulo. To see the full list or do a customized search, click here.

Confira abaixo alguns dos cursos de extensão universitária que estão sendo oferecidos pela USP nos campi do interior de  São Paulo. Para ver a lista completa ou fazer uma pesquisa customizada, clique aqui 

Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering

Course: Geometria Olímpica com GeoGebra I (2023) [Olympic Geometry with GeoGebra I (2023)]
Area: Exact Sciences
Period: 08/07/2023 to 09/25/2023 – Vacancies: 60 – Free vacancies: 6
This course is paid.

Course: Neuro-Fuzzy para Análise de Dados Científicos: Modelagem e Aplicações (Neuro-Fuzzy for Scientific Data Analysis: Modeling and Applications)
Area: Exact Sciences
Period: 09/16/2023 to 10/14/2023 – Vacancies: 50 – Free vacancies: 5
This course is Paid.

Course: Práticas em Patologia Veterinária (Practical Veterinary Pathology)
Area: Biological
Period: 09/01/2023 to 12/15/2023 – Vacancies: 3
This course is free of charge.

Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

Pirassununga Campus – Extension Courses