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CINEsalq screens Forrest Gump in the city of Piracicaba

CINEsalq screens Forrest Gump in the city of Piracicaba

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 11/28/2023

The Culture Viva project on the campus brings free cinema to the community.

The Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (Esalq) at USP will host CINEsalq on Wednesday, November 29, at 5:30 PM, featuring the screening of the film Forrest Gump at the Amphitheater of the Central Library on the Luiz de Queiróz campus in the city of Piracicaba. Admission is free.

“Forrest Gump – The Storyteller” is a film that takes us on an emotional journey through the life of an extraordinary man who faces challenges due to his low cognitive ability, mobility limitations that turn into immense challenges in his existential journey. The education he received from his mother, based on self-confidence and self-esteem, made him see that he could do anything he wanted, accepting and following his path, encouraging him to act spontaneously, and urging him to see the world differently. His relationships with those around him have a certain naivety in dealings, often leading them to treat him as an idiot. Gump meets Jenny, a girl he knew in childhood who becomes his great love. This relationship influences his life in overcoming limitations.

Esalq Story Forrest

Forrest Gump’s peculiar characteristics of guiding by his will to help others and fulfill his desires end up taking him to unimaginable places, achieving fame and financial stability. He accomplished remarkable feats throughout his life; moreover, he became a war hero, achieved worldwide fame, accumulated wealth, and experienced intense love that many would wish to have experienced. The film teaches us an important lesson: often, we allow problems to dominate our minds, leaving little space for the development of our professional, romantic, and social lives.

Coordinated by the Culture and University Extension Commission of Esalq, CINEsalq is linked to the Culture Viva on Campus project and has the support of the Pro-Rectorate for Culture and University Extension (PRCEU) and the Luiz de Queiroz Campus City Hall.

With information from the Assessoria para os Campi do Interior.


Professor Iran José Oliveira da Silva – President of CCEx ESALQ: ccex.esalq@usp.br

Vanda Macedo Zambello – SVCEx: svcex@usp.br

Marcia Cristina Guidi Ganzella – SVCEx: culturaesalq@usp.br

Denise de Lima Nogueira – SVCEx: producaoesalq@usp.br

Lucas de Paula Ismael – SVCEx – scadi@usp.br

Atividade cultural - CINEsalq