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Cinusp celebrates 30 years with a special series of free screenings and commemorative events

Cinusp celebrates 30 years with a special series of free screenings and commemorative events

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 10/10/2023

Cinusp Paulo Emílio, the USP Cinema, completes 30 years of free activities open to the general public with the new showcase “Suddenly 30.” The title refers to the 2004 romantic comedy about a time-traveling couple portrayed by Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo.

“The idea is to recover what cinema was like in 1993 and what makes sense to exhibit today,” explains Eduardo Morettin, director of Cinusp and professor at the School of Communications and Arts at USP. The program, from October 16 to November 12, features Steven Spielberg’s “Jurassic Park,” Chen Kaige’s “Farewell My Concubine,” Takeshi Kitano’s “Maximum Adrenaline,” and Robert Altman’s “Scenes from Life.”

At the opening of the showcase, next Monday (October 16) at 7 pm at the Camargo Guarnieri Cultural Center, “Boca de Lixo” by Eduardo Coutinho and a documentary about these 30 years of Cinusp will be screened. The program also includes the drama “Corsair Soul” by Carlos Reichenbach, in a joint session with the Brazilian Cinematheque, and a special session on Halloween night, on October 31.

This “eclecticism” and the search for diversity, “thematic, geographic, gender, and racial,” according to Morettin, are the main characteristics present in almost 600 showcases displayed in the last three decades, in a history that he himself admires as “very expressive and impressive.”

In a participation on the program “Cultura na USP,” broadcast on Radio USP by the Pro-Rectorate of Culture and University Extension, the professor explained that the “eminently research” work of the curation is carried out at Cinusp through a “collective activity that counts on the collaboration of young intern scholarship holders from the University, from various areas and very interdisciplinary, who contribute to making this passion for cinema increasingly renewed.” This allows the “cultural and artistic repertoire to be revisited at all times, in countless ways, by showcases of the most diverse. And always with great surprises.”

Beyond this dedication “from the aesthetic point of view and how the films dialogue with the contemporary world,” the new projection room at the Camargo Guarnieri Cultural Center, in the University City, has an advanced 4K projection system, contributing to the “enjoyment of the cinematographic spectacle in all its potentiality.”

Commemorative Releases

Celebrating these 30 years, Cinusp also promotes the course “From non-cinema to total cinema: a realistic course,” with Professor Lúcia Nagib from the University of Reading in the United Kingdom. There will be three in-person meetings from October 17 to 20. Free registrations can be made until this Sunday (October 15) on the online form of the Apolo system.

On November 9, the book “The Marey Album of Physical Education: racial cinema and chronophotography” will be released. The authors are the French historian Bernard Andrieu, a specialist in the work of Étienne-Jules Marey, one of the pioneers in the study of movement, photography, and cinema, and professors Ana Cristina Zimmermann and Soraia Chung Saura from the School of Physical Education and Sport at USP. The work is part of the Cinusp Collection, started in 2011 and available on the USP Open Books Portal.


The commemorative sessions of Cinusp’s 30 years in “Suddenly 30” are free and open to the general public.

Screenings are held from Monday to Friday at 4 pm and 7 pm at the new room at the Camargo Guarnieri Cultural Center, on the Butantã campus of USP, in the west zone. And on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 pm and 6 pm at the Maria Antonia Center, in Vila Buarque, the central region of the capital.

The complete daily schedule can be checked at www.usp.br/cinusp.

De repente 30
    • Cinusp Nova Sala
    • Rua do Anfiteatro, 109
    • São Paulo - SP
    • CEP: 05508-060
    • Monday through Friday
    • Cinusp Maria Antônia
    • Rua Maria Antônia, 294
    • São Paulo - SP
    • CEP: 01222-010
    • on weekends