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CINUSP presents the exhibition “A Stone in the Path.”

CINUSP presents the exhibition “A Stone in the Path.”

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 02/23/2024

There are 20 feature and short films with contexts marked by elements such as rocks, mountains, jewels, caves, and volcanoes.

By Fabio Rubira

The USP Cinema (Cinusp Paulo Emílio) will screen a selection of films until March 3, in which “subjectivities are modified by contact with the most brute and prehistoric aspects of nature.” The curation emphasizes the “cinema’s ability to create a unique perspective on matter” and a remarkable skill in “rearranging the inert rocks in the middle of the path and guiding them through time.”

The exhibition “A Stone in the Path” will also promote a debate on February 28, with Professor Eliane Del Lama from the Institute of Geosciences at USP. The specialist in the preservation of cultural heritage, mineralogy, and petrography will speak about the relationship between rocks, memory, and culture.

Among the highlights of the screenings is “How Green Was My Valley,” by American filmmaker John Ford. The 1941 film relates a family tragedy to the presence of mining in their lives.

In “Forbidden Desire,” from 1953, a pair of earrings is the motive for melodrama between a wealthy French general and his wife, who secretly sells the jewels to pay off her debts.

The renowned Roberto Rossellini is present with “Stromboli,” telling the story of a Lithuanian refugee at the foot of the volcano on the island of the same name, on the Italian coast of Sicily.

There is also actor Adam Sandler in “Uncut Gems,” with the owner of a jewelry store, full of debts, trying to sell an uncut stone.

Broadcasted on the February 22 edition of the program “Cultura na USP” on Rádio USP.


The screenings of “A Stone in the Path” are free and open to the general public.

Screenings are held from Monday to Friday, at 4 and 7 pm, in the new room at the Camargo Guarnieri Cultural Center, on the Butantã campus of USP, in the western zone. And on Saturdays and Sundays, at 4 and 6 pm, at the Maria Antonia Center, in Vila Buarque, central region of the capital.

The complete daily schedule can be checked at www.usp.br/cinusp.

Uma Pedra no Caminho
  • Until 3/Mar/2024
  • Free of charge
  • Rating: Livre
    • Cinusp Nova Sala
    • Rua do Anfiteatro, 109
    • São Paulo - SP
    • CEP: 05508-060
    • Monday through Friday
    • Cinusp Maria Antônia
    • Rua Maria Antônia, 294
    • São Paulo - SP
    • CEP: 01222-010
    • on weekends