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São Paulo State Universities hold the Congresso de Extensão e Cultura

São Paulo State Universities hold the Congresso de Extensão e Cultura

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 04/18/2023

The universities UNESP, Unicamp, and USP will hold the Congresso de Extensão e Cultura “Juntas pensando o futuro” (Extension and Culture Congress “Together thinking about the future”) on June 26 and 27, 2023, at the Centro de Convenções da Unicamp. The event aims to provide participants with the opportunity to exchange experiences about university extension and discuss the main trends and challenges in the area, from the perspective of three state and public universities in the state of São Paulo.

Congresso De Extensao E Cultura Das Universidades Estaduais Paulistas

University extension is one of the ways to connect universities to society, taking the knowledge produced in academic institutions beyond the university walls. It is an important tool to foster citizenship, social inclusion, and sustainable development, besides contributing to the education of students and the production of knowledge relevant to society.

The exchange of experiences between universities is fundamental for the strengthening of university extension and for the improvement of teaching, research, and extension practices. The O Congresso de Extensão e Cultura “Juntas pensando o futuro” of São Paulo State Universities is an opportunity for students, researchers, teachers, and professionals to exchange experiences, debate, and reflect on university extension practices, seeking to improve and expand the social impact of extension activities.

Enrollment for the Congress is already open and can be done through the event’s website at http://congresso3universidades.proec.unicamp.br/.

With information by Pâmela Baena and images by Claudio Moreira, from Unicamp.


Congresso de Extensão e Cultura das Universidades Estaduais Paulistas

“Juntas pensando o futuro”

Enrollment period: 04/10/2023 to 06/26/2023

Location: Centro de Convenções da Unicamp

Enrollment site: http://congresso3universidades.proec.unicamp.br/



06/26/2023     (Monday)  

10am – 11amOpening Ceremony 

11am – 12:15amOpening Conference

12:15am – 2pmLunch

2pm – 3:50pmRound table: Curricularisation of Extension at Undergraduate

Prof. Dr. Marli Quadros Leite, Pro-rector of Culture and Universitary Extension of USP

Prof. Dr. Raul Borges Guimarães, Pro-rector of Universitary Extension and Culture of UNESP

Prof. Dr. Fernando Antonio Santos Coelho, Pro-rector of Universitary Extension and Culture of UNICAMP

3:50pm – 4:10pmCoffee break

4:10pm – 6pm – Round table: Curricularisation of  Extension at Undergraduate

Prof. Dr. Célia Maria Giacheti – Pro-rector of Undergraduate of Unesp

Prof. Dr. Marcos Garcia Neira, Adjunct Pro-Rector of Undergraduate of USP

Prof. Dr. Laura Rifo, Teaching Advisor of Pro-rectory of Undergraduate of UNICAMP

06/27/2023           (Tuesday)   

08:30am – 10:20am  Round table: Social Innovation and social entrepreneurship

Prof. Dr. Raul Gonzalez Lima,  Advisor Pro-Rector of Inovation of USP

Prof. Dr. Lais Silveira Fraga, Coordinator of the ITCP/UNICAMP Program

Prof. Dr. Saulo Philipe Sebastião Guerra, Director of Unesp Innovation Agency

10:20am – 10:40amCoffee break

10:10 – 12 noon – Round table: Funding of Extension Activities for Scientific and Technological Development

Prof. Dr. Hélder Eterno da Silveira, President of FORPROEX

Prof. Dr. Marcelo Knörich Zuffo, Director of Inovation Center InovaUSP

Prof. Dr. Claudia Andréa Mayorga Borges, Pro-rector of Extension of UFMG

12 noon – 2pm – Lunch

2pm – 3:50pmRound table: Interface between university extension and culture: conceptualization and valorization

Prof. Dr. Paulo Celso Moura, Coordinator of Cultural Action Coordination of UNESP

Prof. Dr. Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda, Vice Rector of USP

Prof. Dr. Cacá Machado, Executive Director of the Culture Directory of UNICAMP

São Paulo State Universities hold the Congresso de Extensão e Cultura
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