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USP Choir opens registrations for new members in 2024

USP Choir opens registrations for new members in 2024

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 01/10/2024

Participation is free and open to all interested individuals, with no need for affiliation with USP.

The USP Choir (Coralusp) opens registrations for new choir members in the first semester of 2024 starting next Monday (January 15).

Participation is entirely free, no musical experience is required, and candidates do not need to have affiliations with USP. The only prerequisite is to be over 18 years old.

The director and conductor, Márcia Hentschel, emphasizes the variety of musical options: “There are 14 groups, including female groups, and three workshops. The repertoire is diverse, including classical and popular music such as Brazilian Popular Music (MPB), bossa nova, rock, soul, and black music, in addition to the combination of choral singing with rap and funk.”

The groups hold their rehearsals in different locations in the capital, such as the central region, at the Faculty of Law of USP, and at the Center for Cultural Preservation – Casa de Dona Yayá, in Bela Vista, as well as the Mário Schenberg Library in Lapa (west zone), and at USP units in Cidade Universitária, Butantã (west zone).

Candidates must fill out the registration form available at www.usp.br/coralusp. Then, it is necessary to schedule a vocal evaluation test for classification into the categories soprano (higher female voice), mezzo-soprano (average female voice), contralto (lower female voice), tenor (higher male voice), baritone (average male voice), or bass (lower male voice).

About Coralusp
An organ of the Pro-Rectorate for Culture and University Extension founded on June 3, 1967, by members of the Polytechnic Guild and the Academic Center October 31, Coralusp has been awarded five times by the São Paulo Association of Art Critics (APCA). Performances are held for various audiences, including international concerts in Africa, Argentina, the United States, and Europe.

Check out the video posted by Cultura na USP on Instagram


Ver essa foto no Instagram


Uma publicação compartilhada por Cultura na USP | Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extens


Registrations for new members of Coralusp in the 1st semester of 2024

When: From January 15 to March 31, 2024 (or while vacancies last)

How much: Free

How: Interested individuals must fill out the registration form at www.usp.br/coralusp

After this step, it is necessary to schedule a vocal test by calling (11) 2648-0815 and 3091-3930, from Monday to Friday (except holidays) between 9 am and 4 pm.

More information by email at coralusp@usp.br and also on Instagram and Facebook.

Inscrições para o Coralusp - 1º semestre de 2024
  • 15/Jan/2024 until 31/Mar/2024
  • Free of charge
  • Rating: Livre