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CPC hosts roundtable on indigenous cultural heritage

CPC hosts roundtable on indigenous cultural heritage

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 10/24/2023

The USP Cultural Preservation Center/Casa de Dona Yayá will host a debate on November 7th about experiences and policies related to indigenous cultural heritage.
The activity is part of the program of the seminar “Indigenous Cultural Heritage in Debate – Concepts and Experiences”, held by Escola da Cidade in partnership with the CPC and the Museum of Indigenous Cultures.
The program starts this Wednesday, the 25th, at Escola da Cidade. And it continues with two more round tables on the 7th and 9th of November. The event will bring together experts, researchers and representatives of the indigenous community seeking to encourage debate around professional training and updating in the areas of preservation and conservation of cultural heritage. It also aims to promote exchange between different areas of knowledge and traditional indigenous knowledge. Participation is free, with no registration required.
The conversation cycle is part of the project “Challenges for the Protection of Indigenous Cultural Heritage – Atlantic Forest, Human and Non-Human Heritage in São Paulo”. The intention is to strengthen the cultural heritage of the territory of the Guarani Mbya, in the Jaraguá Indigenous Land, in the northwest part of the city of São Paulo, together with the Tenonde Porã Indigenous Land and the Krukutu Indigenous Land, both located in Parelheiros, in the southern region. The Guarani Mbya maintain an obstinate resistance for the survival of their people, against the abandonment of health services and land regularization, in dispute with non-indigenous families.

Seminário Patrimonio Indígena Em Debate 01 (1)



Indigenous Cultural Heritage Seminar in Debate – Concepts and Experiences

Table 1: “Intangible heritage and traditional know-how”

When: October 25th (Wednesday) from 6pm to 8:30pm

Guests: Fabíola Andréa Silva (USP Museum of Archeology and Ethnology), Luiz Fernando de Almeida (Instituto Pedra) and Jurandir Karai Djekupe (Tekoa Yvy Porã – Jaraguá Indigenous Land).

Mediation: Anna Beatriz Galvão (Escola da Cidade)

Location: City School | Rua General Jardim, 65, Vila Buarque – São Paulo-SP


• Table 2: “Indigenous cultural heritage: policies and experiences”

When: November 7th (Tuesday) from 6pm to 8:30pm

Guests: Tamikuã Txihi (Toca da Onça/Tekoa Itakupe – Jaraguá Indigenous Land), Wellington Cançado (Revista Piseagrama and Federal University of Minas Gerais) and Yussef Campos (Federal University of Goiás).

Mediation: Flávia Brito do Nascimento (CPC-USP)

Location | Cultural Preservation Center-USP/Casa de Dona Yayá | Rua Major Diogo, 353, Bela Vista – São Paulo-SP


• Table 3: “Cultural heritage and traditional territories – perspectives from the Atlantic Forest”

When: November 9th (Thursday) from 6pm to 8:30pm

Guests: Sonia Ara Mirim (Tekoa Ytu – Jaraguá Indigenous Land), Tania Knapp (INSUAH and University of São Paulo), Zélia Pupo and Maurício Pupo (Quilombo André Lopes – Vale do Ribeira).

Mediation: Laura Pappalardo (Escola da Cidade – Chão Coletivo and USP)

Location: Museum of Indigenous Cultures | Rua Dona Germaine Burchard, 451, Água Branca – São Paulo-SP

Seminário Patrimônio Cultural Indígena em Debate - Conceitos e Experiências
  • 25/Oct/2023 until 9/Nov/2023
  • Free of charge
  • Rating: Livre
  • cpc@usp.br