The transnational perspective and decolonial theories are at the center of the debate with new interpretations of Latin America
The Centro Maria Antonia da USP is holding to start from 5 May a free course about Arquitetura e cidade na América Latina: aproximações e perspectivas transnacionais e teorias decoloniais (Architecture and the city in Latin America: transnational approaches and perspectives and decolonial theories). Taught by dance researcher Dinalva Roldan, it is divided into four meetings, always on Fridays, from 3pm to 5pm. With 50 places, online registrations on USP’s Apolo system are available at until April 28.
The course will cover, in an introductory way, some methodological approaches from the transnational perspective and some authors from decolonial theory and the problems they propose, seeking to contextualize this intellectual production. According to Roldan, “we will present some theoretical and methodological references to address issues related to architecture and the city in Latin America. Currently, the transnational perspective as well as decolonial theories are at the center of the debate and have been opening up perspectives and producing renewed interpretations in which Latin America emerges as the central object of reflection.”
Students with at least 75% attendance will receive a certificate of participation.
May 5th
JArquitetura e cidade na América Latina. Abordagens recorrentes e a perspectiva transnacional.
(Architecture and the city in Latin America. Recurring approaches and the transnational perspective.)
May 12th
Estudos pós-coloniais e a emergência das teorias decoloniais: contextualizando autores e problemáticas.
(Postcolonial studies and the emergence of decolonial theories: contextualizing authors and issues.)
May 19th
Aspectos da teoria decolonial: introdução às noções de diferença colonial e pensamento de fronteira.
(Aspects of decolonial theory: introduction to the notions of colonial difference and border thinking.)
May 26th
Arquitetura e cidade como práticas culturais: hibridismo e transculturação.
(Architecture and the city as cultural practices: hybridity and transculturation.)
About the professor
Dinalva Roldan has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the Universidade de São Paulo (2007), a master’s degree (2012) from the same institution as part of the thematic project São Paulo: os estrangeiros e a construção da cidade (São Paulo: foreigners and the construction of the city) and a PhD (2019) on Unidades de Vizinhança na América Latina (Neighborhood Units in Latin America) with a period as a visiting researcher at Columbia University (2017). She is currently a lecturer in Architecture and Urbanism at Universidade Paulista (UNIP) and is a member of the research group Genealogia do desenho urbano no Brasil (Genealogy of urban design in Brazil).
Arquitetura e cidade na América Latina: aproximações e perspectivas transnacionais e teorias decoloniais
Where | Centro MariAntonia da USP
When | From May 5 to 26, 2023, Fridays, from 3 to 5 p.m.
How much | Free
Vacancies | 50 face-to-face vacancies with certificate
Inscriptions | through the Apolo system
Translated by Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima