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Emotion and crying highlighted in the May program at Cinusp

Emotion and crying highlighted in the May program at Cinusp

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 05/02/2023

The showcase “Melodrama: cinema de lágrimas” exhibits free films that provoke commotion

By Fabio Rubira

Those who have never wiped a tear dripping from the corner of their eye, in the dark of the cinema, throw all their tissues in the trash. Those who can’t hold back their emotion and fall to tears and sobs in the most emotional scenes, let them come forewarned.

The showcase at Cinema da USP (Cinusp) until May 28 has the theme “Melodrama: cinema de lágrimas“. Whether of happiness or sadness, they are part of the plots of one of the main cinematographic genres.

Among the highlights of the program, the classic American cinema “Uma Rua Chamada Pecado“, 1951. The adaptation of Tennessee Williams’ play “A Streetcar Called Desire” deals with the decay of bourgeois society and the conflicts of a culturally changing country, from the historical characters of Vivien Leigh and Marlon Brando. The film won four Oscars, including the second best actress for Vivien, out of the four she received in her career.

A Vida Invisível“, from 2019, tells the stories of sisters Eurídice, who loves piano and dreams of studying at the Vienna conservatory, and Guida, who becomes pregnant by a Greek sailor. They spend their lives searching for each other amid the male violence of 1950s Rio de Janeiro.

Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar makes his presence felt with 1987’s “A Lei do Desejo“,  starring Antonio Banderas. The film explores passion and jealousy in the relationships of filmmaker Pablo Quintero, who becomes emotionally involved with two young men, and his sister, transgender actress Tina Quintero.

And completing 25 years of release in Brazil, “Titanic” is another highlight of the show. James Cameron’s blockbuster, the third most watched in history, won 11 Oscar statuettes, including “My Heart Will Go On”, performed by Céline Dion. The song marks the romance of Leonardo DiCaprio’s Jack and Kate Winslet’s Rose in the 1912 tragedy of the world’s largest passenger ship.

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If horror is scary and comedy attracts laughter, melodrama moves you to tears.

The schedule of “Melodrama: cinema de lágrimas” has daily sessions at Cinusp until May 28, in an invitation for the public to shed their tears with this cinematographic genre in its pioneering productions, with reinterpretations and contemporary productions.

Broadcast in the 05/04 edition of the Cultura na USP program on Rádio USP. 


The sessions, free and open to the general public, are held in the new room at the Camargo Guarnieri Amphitheater, on USP’s Butantã campus, on the west side, from Monday to Friday at 4 and 7 pm. And at the Centro Maria Antonia, in Vila Buarque, central region of the capital, on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 and 6 pm.

The complete daily schedule can be found at www.usp.br/cinusp.

Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

Emotion and crying highlighted in the May program at Cinusp