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The curricularization of university extension is the subject of a series of meetings at USP

The curricularization of university extension is the subject of a series of meetings at USP

Comunicação - PRCEU - 04/09/2024

Visits to the various USP campuses discuss the implementation of the curricularization of extension in compliance with the regulation of the National Council of Education


By Elcio Silva | Cover Photo Marcos Santos / USP Images
4/9/2024 – 2:50 pm


The Pro-Rectorate for Culture and University Extension (PRCEU) at USP has initiated a series of meetings with the aim of discussing and facilitating the implementation of the curricularization of university extension in the curricular grid of undergraduate courses. The meetings, held in partnership with the Pro-Rectorate for Undergraduate Studies (PRG), take place at various campuses with the participation of professors, members of the undergraduate and culture and extension committees, and directors of teaching and research units, specialized institutes, and museums. For in-person participation, registration must be done at this link.

In 2018, the National Council of Education established that extension activities must compose, at minimum, 10% (ten percent) of the total student curricular workload of undergraduate courses. Resolution No. 7/2018 defines that extensionist modalities include programs; projects; courses and workshops; events; and service provision. All these activities must undergo continuous evaluations and must be registered in the Higher Education Institution.

Marli Quadros Leite durante encontro realizado na Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin em 9 de abril de 2024. Imagem transmissão youtube.

Marli Quadros Leite during a meeting held at the Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin Library on April 9, 2024. Photo – Youtube Broadcast.

According to Marli Quadros Leite, pro-rector for culture and university extension at USP, curricular extensionist activities “are important for the comprehensive education of students.” The pro-rector also emphasizes the popularization of knowledge. “The time has come to bring extension into the curriculum. As soon as our students start working in this direction, the social impact is very significant. It is a means of definitively integrating the university and society more broadly.”

For the effective implementation at the University of São Paulo, a curricularization guide was created, demonstrating several of these possibilities for application in students’ regular disciplines. University extension does not follow the same logic as disciplines, with a more comprehensive character, and can include external people and partnerships in its execution.

Extension activities also allow those involved in the process to use the workload developed in career progression processes. All activities will be registered and approved in the USP Apolo system. Each of these actions aimed at society is carried out by students under the coordination of a professor.

The Pro-Rectorate for Undergraduate Studies conducted preliminary work by reviewing all undergraduate course syllabi to identify disciplines with extensionist activities so that the calculation could be included. The Jupiter System, which encompasses undergraduate information, will interface with the Apolo system so that the calculation of extensionist activities is effectively computed.

Aluisio Segurado, pró-reitor de graduação da USP. Foto Cecília Bastos / USP Imagens.

Aluisio Segurado, pro-rector for undergraduate studies at USP. Photo Cecília Bastos / USP Images.

According to Aluisio Augusto Cotrim Segurado, pro-rector for undergraduate studies, “this is not only about complying with regulatory norms in undergraduate courses in Brazil, but also about USP’s recognition of the importance and indispensable condition of including moments of interaction with society in the student’s formative process, so that they recognize the importance of their professional action for the benefit of the community they will serve in the future.”

The meetings aim to clarify the numerous possibilities for professors and students in actions that complement regular disciplines and bring the University closer to society. All events are broadcast on Youtube. Questions on the topic can be sent remotely by professors via a Google form. Click here. The videos are also available on the cultura.usp.br website.


Curricularization of Extension
Check the schedule for upcoming meetings


April 10 – 10 am

Units: FE, IP, EEFE

Location: FE – Lisete Arelaro Auditorium


April 11 – 2 pm

Units: FAU, FEA, IRI

Location: FAU – Ariosto Mila Auditorium


April 15 – 10 am

Unit: EEL

Location: Via Google Meet

April 22 – 2 pm


Location: ESALQ – Congregation Room


April 23 - 2 pm


Location: IQSC - Prof. Edson Rodrigues Amphitheater


April 24 - 2 pm


Location: FZEA - Central Building Amphitheater, "Fernando Costa" Campus.


April 29 - 2:30 pm

Units: FOB, HRAC

Location: FOB - Prof. Dr. "Dioracy Fonterrada Vieira" University Theater.


April 30 - 2 pm

Units: MAE, MAC, MP, MZ

Location: MAE - Classroom

The curricularization of university extension is the subject of a series of meetings at USP
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