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The exhibition highlights the creativity and artistic process of adults over 60 years old

The exhibition highlights the creativity and artistic process of adults over 60 years old

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 03/22/2023

 Works by artists who won the Art and Literature Award from the USP 60+ program of Pro-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão give visibility to a group discriminated against in contemporary society.

By Sandra Lima / Art: Camila Previato
03/22/2023 -12:15 a.m.


The MariAntonia Center opens its 2023 exhibition season on March 30, at 6 pm, with the II Prêmio Arte e Literatura USP 60+ (II USP 60+ Art and Literature Award), with the theme Ampliando horizontes (Broadening horizons). The winners of the Visual Arts category will show their work in painting, engraving, photography, drawing, and sculpture. In the Literature category, the authors will participate in a literary soiree, with their works being read out. The admission is free.

By shedding light on the creations of 26 artists over 60, the exhibition also combats prejudice and allows people to discover their creativity and creative process. The coordinator of the USP 60+ program, Egídio Lima Dórea, points out that “the quality of the work attests to the fact that sensitivity does not diminish with age. The years and experiences we have lived through improve our outlook and broaden our horizons. This exhibition brings together in an unprecedented way the work of these artists who represent the diversity of life and outlook.” 

The first edition of the Prize took place during the pandemic, and the selected works in Visual Arts and Literature can be found on the program’s website. In 2022, the Literature winners launched a book at MariAntonia.

The free exhibition is open to visitors until May 28, 2023, from 10 am to 6 pm, from Tuesday to Sunday. The classification is free.

USP 60 +

Created by Professor Ecléa Bosi in 1994, the program, which has been running for 29 years, is an initiative of  Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária da USP.

Artists (Visual Arts)

Acácio Arouche / Agostinho Ramos de Almeida / Antônio Gonzalez / Caio Franco / Carlos de Santana Mota / Ciro Júlio Cellurale / Clelgen Luiz Bonetti / Elizabeth Novi / Glaucion Holanda Gonzaga / Guilherme Gadelha de Souza / Janice Ortiz / Marta Matushita / Maurício Paranhos / Monica Martins / Norma Saldanha / Sueli Almeida / Taís Curi 

Authors (Literature)

Adélia Pereira Vieira de Melo / Celso Antônio Lopes Da Silva / Irene Maria Vucovix / José Eugênio Borges de Almeida / Maria das Dores Martins da Silva / Renato José de Oliveira / Silvia Aparecida de Andrade / Solange Vicentini Tavares Mössenböck / Sonia Maria de Brito Mota 




Exposição II Prêmio Artes e Literatura USP 60+
Ampliando os horizontes

Penny Reading


Opening March 30th – from 6 p.m. 

Where |  Centro Maria Antonia – Edifício Rui Barbosa

Rua Maria Antônia, 294 – Vila Buarque – São Paulo, SP (near the Higienópolis and Santa Cecília metro stations)

When | from 30th March to May 28th, 2023

Visitation | Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

Classification | Free

How much | Free

Information | (11) 3123-5202

Translated by Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

The exhibition highlights the creativity and artistic process of adults over 60 years old