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USP cultural contest turns 28 years old and is open for registration

USP cultural contest turns 28 years old and is open for registration

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 04/12/2019

Biggest and oldest USP cultural contest, “Nascente” reveals and awards talents among the university students

The “Nascente” USP program, created in 1991, reaches its 27th edition in 2019 and is the most traditional program of its sort for USP students. The contest, held annually, has had over 9 thousand participants and has revealed names such as Paulo Sacramento, Flávia Junqueira, Luís Miranda and José Roberto Torero. Applications open on April 15th.


For the 2019 edition, undergraduate and graduate USP students may apply for seven artistic fields: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Audiovisual, Design, Classical Music, Popular Music, and Text.

For the dean of the Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão (PRCEU), Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira Machado, the idea is to value the university’s artistic production:

“We intend to expand the Nascente more and more, strengthening each edition, to match the high level and the great volume of artistic manifestations that we find amongst our students.” To this end, PRCEU will also expand its partnership with supporters: “We are looking for companies and partners to sponsor prizes, hopefully providing greater visibility to this program, which is already part of USP’s history”, stresses the dean.


For the 2019 edition, online applications are open from April 15th to May 30th at https://prceu.usp.br/nascente/inscricao2019.

Nascente 2

In addition to the R$ 4000 award, winners will have the chance to showcase their work on shows, concerts, performances, soirées and expositions promoted by the curators of the Nascente program, developed by the “Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária da USP (PRCEU).

Programming of these free and open to the external public events will be held in November and should include locations inside as well as outside the campus.


“Nascente” Program – Applications

Applications for the “Nascente” Program are open from April 15 to May 30. Applicants should fill in the form available at https://prceu.usp.br/nascente/inscricao2019 and attach the requested files. The full regulation is also available at the website.


Photos (2018 Edition): Camila Previato Guimarães

Nascente USP - inscrições