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MariAntonia receives international journay about theater and slavery

MariAntonia receives international journay about theater and slavery

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 05/26/2023

On June 5 and 6, the Centro MariAntonia promotes, in partnership with the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH) and the Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin, the international day Teatro e Escravismo: nexos, elipses e inadequações, which will bring together researchers to discuss the relationships between theatrical forms and social structures in the Brazilian aesthetic and political experience between the 16th and 19th centuries. The event is free and open to all, and registrations must be made by e-mail teatroeescravismo@gmail.com

The aim is to interrogate how theatrical practices responded to the self-representations of the dominant and ruling elites at different times, considering the practices and expressions of subversion and rejection of theatrical languages enshrined in the European tradition. Such perspectives will be approached from concrete and everyday problems of theatrical life in Brazilian society. We seek to think about the relations between theater and slavery from the nexuses that connect the forms of theatricality to the social structure in the colonial and imperial period; to be attentive to the ellipses or the unsaid that historically invisibilized protagonism that, however, erupt and transform meanings of the performances; and finally, to value the “inadequacies” and displacements that open challenging interpretive possibilities.

Declarations of participation will be offered to those who register in advance.


Monday, June 5, at 2 pm
Usos do passado na escrita teatral: mistura de gêneros e de tempos
Mediation: Josiane Sampaio (USP)

“Cenas da escravidão no teatro brasileiro”, João Roberto Faria (USP)

“Povos originários e escravidão: dilema para o indianismo no século XIX”, Elizabeth Azevedo (USP)

“A persistência do cômico: preconceito linguístico e marginalização do negro na dramaturgia brasileira do séc. XIX”, Orna Messer Levin (Unicamp).

Tuesday, June 6, at 11 am
Do teatro religioso às formas teatrais cívico-pedagógicas
Mediation: Íris Kantor (USP)

“Manoel da Nóbrega e a performance da mercadoria”, Sérgio de Carvalho (USP)

“Vieira on the Jseuit stage in the Habsburg Netherlands”, Johan Verberckmoes (KU Leuven)


International Journey
Teatro e Escravismo: nexos, elipses e inadequações

Where | Centro MariAntonia da USP – edifício Rui Barbosa
When | June 5, at 2pm and  June 6, at 11am
Free event
Registration through the e-mail teatroeescravismo@gmail.com 

Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

MariAntonia receives international journay about theater and slavery
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