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Roundtable discusses dictatorship and space production

Roundtable discusses dictatorship and space production

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 03/01/2024

The MariAntonia Center and the School of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), both from USP, promote, on Thursday, March 7, at 6 pm, the roundtable “Dictatorship and space production,” with speakers Ana Luiza Nobre (PUC-RJ) and Pedro Campos (UFRRJ).

The roundtable is part of the preparatory program for the exhibition ‘Landscape and Power: Constructions of Brazil in the Dictatorship,’ scheduled for this month.

Come and participate! Free admission!


Roundtable Dictatorship and space production, with Ana Luiza Nobre (PUC-RJ) and Pedro Campos (UFRJ).

When | March 7 at 6 pm

Where | MariAntonia Center at USP – Rui Barbosa Building

Rua Maria Antônia, 294 – Vila Buarque – São Paulo, SP (near Higienópolis and Santa Cecília metro stations)

How much | Free

Information | (11) 3123-5202

Mesa-redonda discute ditadura e produção do espaço