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Temporada Nascente USP 2023 opens registration period for students

Temporada Nascente USP 2023 opens registration period for students

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 05/11/2023

For more than three decades, the program has selected artistic talents of undergraduate and graduate students from all university courses for exhibitions and awards throughout the year.


Por Tiago Cesquim
05/11/2023 10h46


The Nascente USP program officially opens its season with the start of registration of projects and artistic works between May 15 and June 12. During the registration process, it is necessary to submit the project or artistic product, according to the chosen area, and the organizers suggest that candidates check the required format right away to avoid difficulties in the final days.

In its 30th edition, the selection is open to the USP student body. Undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students with active enrollment, in any of the units (it is not necessary to be linked to a course in the intended area), during the registration period. The regulation with the details can be accessed at this link.

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This year the Text category has two new subcategories: Manga/Graphic Novel and HQ. Photo: Marcos Santos / USP Imagens

The competition is organized into categories: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Audiovisual, Design, Classical Music, Popular Music, and Text, each with subcategories. This year Nascente brings news in the Text area, with two new subcategories: Manga / Graphic Novel and HQ. Each category has a Judging Committee, responsible for evaluating the works, composed of two USP professors of recognized competence in the area and an expert from outside the University. During the evaluations, master’s and doctoral students from stricto sensu courses in the areas of Arts, Letters, and Linguistics at USP may register to follow the works (see details in the edict).

After registration, the Judging Committees analyze, select and classify the works registered in each category, checking the documentation sent and the adherence to the categories. The selected candidates then participate in thematic exhibitions, with public presentations grouped by category, which take place throughout the year in USP cultural spaces. The finalists of each category will then be announced, who participate in the Awards Ceremony where the winners are announced (check the calendar).

The Judging Committees will announce the winners and may nominate up to two works. The winners of each category are entitled to a prize of R$ 4,000.00 as copyright for the use of the work. In case of a tie, the prize will be divided, and for group entries, the amount will be prorated among the participants.

Fotografia do palco com tela ao fundo com símbolo do nascente e iluminação escurecida

The selected artists present their work in thematic exhibitions and performances in various public places in USP. In 2023, events will take place in October and November. In the image, the stage of the Amphitheater for Conventions Camargo Guarnieri prepared for the 2022 Popular Music Showcase.


Both the award winners and the honorable mention winners are committed to, if invited, participating in the Circuito Nascente, in addition to another public and free presentation, on a date and place to be agreed upon later, with costs covered by the event organizer.

Created in 1990, Nascente USP is an initiative developed by the Pro-Rectory of Culture and University Extension of USP. Traditionally, the competition has been aimed at stimulating, identifying, and distinguishing artistic endeavors within the University through a competition open to USP students, and last year it reached its 29th edition, having over time thousands of entries and awarded hundreds of artists (see how the 2022 awards event went). Learn more about the program also through the program’s Facebook.


Categories and Subcategories – Nascente 2023

Performing Arts | Subcategories: Directing, Dramaturgy (dramaturgical text), Group Interpretation and Individual Interpretation

Visual Arts | Subcategories: Sound Art, Drawing, Sculpture, Photography, Printmaking, Installation, Multimedia, Object, Net Art, Performance, Painting, Site Specific and Video

Audiovisual | Subcategories: Finalization and Design

Design | Subcategories: Exhibition Design, Product Design, Visual Identity and Applications (including papers, branding, folder, and poster), Street Furniture, Editorial Project, and Webdesign

Erudite music | Subcategories: Composition, Instrumental Performance, and Vocal Performance

Popular Music | Subcategories: Arrangement, Composition, Instrumental Performance and Vocal Performance

Text | Subcategories: Chronicle, Poetry, Prose Fiction (short story, novella, and novel), Manga/Graphic Novel, Comics, and Reportage



Nascente USP 2023 Registration

When | 05/15 to 06/12/2023

How much| Free

Target audience | Students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate stricto sensu courses at USP

Registration and more information | https://prceu.usp.br/nascente/

Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

Temporada Nascente USP 2023 opens registration period for students