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Educational Orchestra of Piracicaba opens season at Luiz de Queiroz campus

Educational Orchestra of Piracicaba opens season at Luiz de Queiroz campus

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 03/19/2024

Under the baton of conductor Ivan Bueno, the free concert collects non-perishable food items for donation to social organizations


The Cultura Viva Project at the Luiz de Queiroz campus, together with the Municipal Secretariat of Cultural Action, is holding a concert with the Educational Orchestra of Piracicaba, entitled “Autumn with the Orchestra,” on March 22, at the USP campus in Piracicaba, starting at 8 p.m.

This partnership aims to provide the people of Piracicaba and the surrounding region with unique moments and experiences, promoting the gathering of individuals in an integrated social environment, of culture and citizenship, permeated by projects that benefit society.

The orchestra, founded in 2015, positions itself as a means for cultural and social enrichment in people’s lives, creating a connection between experience, musical education, and integration, resulting in the transformation of the member and society.

In its repertoire, conductor Ivan Bueno brings beautiful works, translated by the plurality of musical styles, ranging from symphonic music, opera and operetta overtures, film soundtracks, and Brazilian music. Among the pieces are Pirates of the Caribbean, Slavonic Dance No. 8 by Dvoràk, The Avengers, Waltz No. 2 by Shostakovich, and from Tchaikovsky the Slavonic March and Swan Lake, among others.

In this vision, music is used as an instrument that transforms people’s lives, connected and involved in the process of making music in an inclusive and enjoyable way.

As admission is free, participants can help by donating 1 kg of non-perishable food on the day and at the venue of the event, in support of social organizations:

– Grupo Amor de Maria – Moradores de Rua, which promotes social support for people living on the streets and offers meals in public squares in Piracicaba; and – FUSSP – Fundo Social de Solidariedade – Piracicaba.



Professor Iran José Oliveira da Silva – President of CCEx ESALQ

Vanda Macedo Zambello

Marcia Cristina Guidi Ganzella

Denise de Lima Nogueira

Lucas de Paula Ismael SEMAC – Secretariat of Cultural Action of the Municipality of Piracicaba

        With information from Cecílio de Souza – PRCEU advisor to interior campuses

Projeto Cultura Viva no Campus: “Outono com a Orquestra”