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USP opens registration for professional residency in health in 2024

USP opens registration for professional residency in health in 2024

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 05/12/2023

 Those approved in the health residency programs will receive a monthly scholarship of 4.1 thousand. Registration will be open from June 19 to August 21, 2023. Until May 25, 2023, applicants may request a reduction in the application fee.

By Elcio Silva | Photo: Marcos Santos/USP Imagens
5/12/2023 11:59 am 

The Universidade de São Paulo, through the Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária (PRCEU) and the Comissão de Residência Multiprofissional (COREMU) opens, on June 19, at noon, until August 21, 2023, also at noon, the registrations for the Programa de Residência em Área Profissional da Saúde nas modalidades Uni e Multiprofissional for the 2024 academic period. Registration and selection will be carried out by FUVEST, which makes the edict and other information available at www.fuvest.br.  The registration fee is R$ 330 (three hundred and thirty reais).

Applications for reduction of the registration fee will be accepted only in the cases provided for in State Law No. 12,782 of December 20, 2007. The period for applications will be from May 15, at noon, until May 25, 2023, also at noon. Those interested should access the FUVEST website, fill out the online form and send personal documents and proof of their socioeconomic situation electronically.  On June 15, 2023, from noon, the candidate will be able to consult the website to find out if he/she has been contemplated.

Those interested may participate in the program who have completed or will complete, by 28.02.2024, a bachelor’s degree in one of the following undergraduate courses: Biomedicine, Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physics / Medical Physics, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Veterinary Medicine, Nutrition, Dentistry, Psychology, Public Health / Collective Health, Social Work and Occupational Therapy, and who, until the day of enrollment, obtain the definitive or provisional registration in the respective regional class council, whenever applicable.

The residency in the professional health area, in both modalities of this edict, is constituted as postgraduate education lato sensu in the form of a specialization course characterized by in-service teaching, with a workload of 60 (sixty) hours per week, including on-call. The duration is two or three years according to Portaria Interministerial nº 1.077, de 12/11/2009.



The selection process will have two phases.  The first phase will consist of objective and dissertative tests and will be held in the municipalities of Bauru, Pirassununga, Ribeirão Preto and São Paulo on September 17, 2023. The second phase will be a curriculum analysis by the selection process committee based on the documents that must be attached to the FUVEST website.

The location of the tests will be informed on the FUVEST website from September 8, 2023, at noon, together with the list of candidates registered and called.

The bibliography for general and specific knowledge for each of the areas is available in the edict.



More than 200 scholarships will be offered in 14 professions and each candidate may apply, in their professional area, to up to three programs or areas of concentration, except Medical Physics and Veterinary Medicine, in which the candidate must choose only one option of program and area of concentration. The residency also provides a monthly scholarship for those classified in the amount of R$ 4,106.09 funded by the Ministério da Sáude, for the duration of the course, from the beginning of the activities in the Residency.

Os programas de residência da Universidade de São Paulo têm carga horária total mínima de 5.760 horas, com atividades teóricas, teórico-práticas e práticas, devendo ser cursadas em regime de dedicação exclusiva, não sendo permitido desenvolver outras atividades profissionais no período de sua realização.

The residency programs at the Universidade de São Paulo have a minimum total workload of 5,760 hours, with theoretical, theoretical-practical, and practical activities, and must be attended on an exclusive dedication basis, not being allowed to develop other professional activities during the period of its completion.


The complete edict and more information can be obtained on FUVEST site through the link https://www.fuvest.br/resid 


Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

USP opens registration for professional residency in health in 2024
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