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Seminar discusses affirmative action for black people at public universities in São Paulo

Seminar discusses affirmative action for black people at public universities in São Paulo

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 05/11/2023

On May 24, the Centro MariAntonia da USP promotes in partnership with the Public Defender of the State of São Paulo, the Escola de Defensoria Pública do Estado de São Paulo  and the Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (EACH) of USP, the seminar “Balanço das ações afirmativas para negros nas universidades públicas” (Balance of affirmative actions for black people in public universities).

The event is open and free, and registrations can be made until May 23 through the form.


9:30 am – 10:00 am – Café de recepção

10 am – 10:30 am –  Table 1 | Opening
Gislene Aparecida dos Santos | EACH-USP
José Tavares Correa de Lira | FAU-USP and director of the MariAntonia
Fabiana Evangelista | vice-director of EACH
Yasmin Mercadante Pestana | Public defender / director of  EDEPE
Sandra Gomes | student representative of EACH
Mediator: Vinicius Conceição Silva Silva | President public defender of Comissão de Cotas Raciais da Defensoria Pública de São Paulo

10:30 am – 1 pm – Table 02 | Balance of the entry of black people in the Public Universities of São Paulo
Ana Lanna | pro-rector of Inclusion and Belonging of USP
Acácio Almeida | UFABC
Juarez Xavier | UNESP
Debora Jeffrey | UNICAMP
Discussant: Gleidson Renato Martins | Unisinos and MNU

Mediator: Mônica de Mello | public defender and pro-rector of Culture and Community Relationships of PUC/SP

1 pm – 02:30 pm – Lanchtime (interval)

02:30 pm to 4 pm – Table 03 |  Affirmative Action, Mental Health and Student Permanence at University
Carlos Vinicius Gomes Melo | IP-USP
Ana Carolina Barros | Casa de Marias
Marcio Farias | Amma Psique
Bete Franco | EACH-USP
Discussant: Alessandro Oliveira | IP-USP
Mediator: Ricardo Teixeira | PRIP- USP

4 pm – 04:30 pm – Coffee

04:30 pm – 06h30 pm
With Leticia Chagas | FD-USP and state co-deputy – As pretas
Nabi Oliveira | EACH-USP
Rafael Marques | FMUSP-USP
Iêda Reis | EACH-USP
Lucas Módolo | FD-USP
Open participation is expected from collectives, students, social movements and people interested in discussing affirmative action at USP.

06:30 pm – 07:30 pm – Interval
07h30 – 9 pm – Closing conference | Kabengele Munanga
President of Table: Gislene Aparecida dos  Santos and Vinicius Conceição Silva Silva
9 pm – Closure

 Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

Seminário discute ações afirmativas para negros nas universidades públicas de São Paulo