By Centro de Preservação Cultural da USP
With the aim of recognizing the diversity and complexity of the university’s collections and promoting reflection on their safeguarding and dissemination, On April 18 and 19 will be held the internal seminar “Acervos na USP: desafios na gestão e na preservação” (Collections at USP: challenges in management and preservation) at the Istvan Jancsó Auditorium – in the Biblioteca Guita e José Mindlin complex.
Books, objects, works of art, archival documents, and teaching aids are just a few examples of the more than 30 million items organized in the Universidade de São Paulo’s collections. This rich cultural heritage plays an important role in the construction of knowledge, scientific research, and university outreach, but faces common challenges in its maintenance and preservation.
The seminar will bring together managers, professionals, and researchers linked to the University’s collections to promote knowledge exchange and provide a wide-ranging debate on the main issues surrounding management practices. It will also highlight the importance of collections for the University, from the training of students to scientific research activities and university extension, strengthening dialogue with society.
The proposal came from the Grupo de Trabalho Acervos da USP e Conservação (USP Collections and Conservation Working Group), created in January 2022 on the initiative of the Centro de Preservação Cultural da USP/Casa de Dona Yayá, the Biblioteca Brasiliana Mindlin USP, the Rede de Conservação Preventiva da USP (Preventive Conservation Network) and the Rede USP de Profissionais de Museus e Acervos (USP Network of Museum and Collections Professionals) with the aim of promoting meetings throughout 2023 to foster initiatives for the preservation and conservation of USP collections. In this way, the seminar is an opportunity for collaborative and participatory work, bringing together the networks working on behalf of all the University’s collections, establishing possibilities for dialog and proximity between the institutions.
The program for the first day of the event is restricted to representatives of the collections of the various USP units, who will meet in thematic working groups to discuss their experiences. On the second day, with participation open to the public and broadcast online via the CPC-USP/Casa de Dona Yayá YouTube channel, lectures will be given by professors and staff from the Universidade de São Paulo who will reflect on the importance of university collections and ways to preserve them, with a view to the future.
Day 04/18
9am Opening
Prof. Dr. Marli Quadros Leite, Pro-Rector of Culture and University Extension, Prof. Dr. Hussam El Dine Zaher, Pró-Reitor Adjunto de Cultura e Extensão Universitária
9:30am Coffee
10:00 am – 12:30 pm Thematic group work: bibliographic collections, scientific collections, museum collections, research laboratory collections, and archival collections, among others.
12:30 – 2pm Break
2 pm – 3:30pm Debates presentation
3:30 – 4:30 Final discussion and referrals
16h30 Ending coffee
Day 04/19
9h Opening
Acervos da USP: ações e desafios work group
Flávia Brito (CPC), Alexandre Saes (BBM), Juliana Saft (Rede de Conservação Preventiva da USP), Carla Gibertoni Carneiro (Rede USP de Profissionais de Museus e Acervos/MAE)
10am – 10:15 am Coffee break
10h30 – 12h30 Mesa-redonda: Museus, acervos e bibliotecas na perspectiva de futuro
Prof. Dr. Paulo César Garcez Marins (Museu Paulista), Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Camargo (FFLCH ), Maurício Candido da Silva (Museu de Anatomia Veterinária)
12:30pm – 2pm Lunch break
2pm – 4pm Round table: Networks, collections and preservation challenges
Prof. Dr. André Motta (Museu Histórico da Faculdade de Medicina), Prof. Dr. Eduardo Góes Neves (Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia), Prof. Dr. Rosebelly Nunes Marques (ESALQ)
4pm Ending table: Challenges and job prospects
Flávia Brito (CPC), Alexandre Saes (BBM), Juliana Saft (Rede de Conservação Preventiva da USP), Carla Gibertoni Carneiro (Rede USP de Profissionais de Museus e Acervos/MAE USP)
Prof. Dr. Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior, USP’s Excellency Rector, Prof. Dr. Maria Arminda Nascimento Arruda, Exma. Sr. Vice-rector da USP, Prof. Dr. Marli Quadros Leite, Pro-Rector of Culture and University Extension, Prof. Dr. Hussam El Dine Zaher, Deputy Rector for Culture and University Extension.
5pm Coffee break
ACERVOS NA USP: desafios na gestão e na preservação
April 18th and 19th, 2023, from 9am to 5pm
Location: Auditório Istvan Jancsó – Espaço Brasiliana
Rua da Biblioteca, 21 – Cidade Universitária – São Paulo
Organizing committee: Ina Hergert, Flávia Urzua, Cibele Monteiro da Silva, Juliana Saft, Maurício Candido da Silva, Ana Vasques, Viviane Jono, Carla Gibertoni Carneiro, Lisely Salles de Carvalho Pinto, Flávia Brito do Nascimento, Alexandre Machione Saes, Miriam Della Posta de Azevedo
Realisation: Grupo de Trabalho Acervos da USP, Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária USP – PRCEU, Centro de Preservação Cultural/Casa de Dona Yayá, Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin, Rede USP de Profissionais de Museus e Acervos and Rede de Conservação Preventiva da USP.
Translated by Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima