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Seminar addresses the regulation of gig work

Seminar addresses the regulation of gig work

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 11/24/2023

On December 1st, starting at 2 p.m., the seminar “The regulation of gig work” will take place, promoted by the MariAntonia Center at USP and organized by the Oscar Sala Chair of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) of USP, in partnership with the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br) and the Brazilian Network Information Center (NIC.br).

The event is open to everyone and has free admission.

The seminar aims to bring both the contribution of university researchers on the nature and challenges of this type of work to the academic environment and a panel of regulatory proposals and models that are currently under discussion.


2:00 to 2:30 pm – Opening
Ary Plonsky, director of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) of USP
Luiz Fernando Martins Castro, deputy coordinator of the Oscar Sala Chair
Pablo Ortellado, academic coordinator of the Oscar Sala Chair

2:30 to 5:00 pm – Panel 1: Proposals for the Brazilian regulation of gig work
Marcelo Fragozo dos Santos, deputy secretary of the National Secretariat for Social Dialogues and Articulation of Public Policies, General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic
Nicolas Souza Santos, member of the National Alliance of Gig Workers and the Regulation Working Group.
Representative from iFood, Debora Gershon


Seminar “The regulation of gig work”
Where | MariAntonia Center – Rui Barbosa Building – Salão Nobre
Rua Maria Antônia, 294 – Vila Buarque – São Paulo, SP (near Higienópolis and Santa Cecília metro stations)
When | December 1st at 2 p.m.
Age rating | All ages
Capacity | 84 seats
How much | Free

Information | (11) 3123-5202

Seminário aborda a regulação do trabalho por aplicativos
    • Centro MariAntonia da USP
    • Rua Maria Antônia 294
    • São Paulo - SP
    • CEP: 01222-010
    • tel: 113123-5202
    • e-mail: imprensama@usp.br
    • Friday
    • Das 14:00 às 17:00