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Translation is the theme of the symposium at MariAntonia

Translation is the theme of the symposium at MariAntonia

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 10/17/2023

On October 18 and 19, the MariAntonia Center at USP is organizing the symposium “Exile and Translation,” coordinated by Bruno Gomide, a professor in the Department of Oriental Languages at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters, and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP.

The event, associated with the FAPESP/LinCAr project Exile and Translation: Russian Texts, is free, with no need for prior registration.

Check out the schedule

Wednesday, October 18

2:00 PM

Drifts, diasporas, and displacements: the philosophy of exile in V. Flusser, J. Derrida, and J. Hassoun – Márcio Seligmann-Silva (UNICAMP)

Hubert von Schönfeldt, an activist count translating in Brazil – Mariana Holms (USP)

Words in exile. Language and hospitality – Melanie Strasser (Mecila Maria Sibylla Merian Centre)

4:30 PM

Roberto Schwarz, a translator between groups – César Marins (USP)

Eric Auerbach, exile and translation in Turkey – Munique Peralta (USP)

The rejuvenated language: Gombrowicz and Polish beyond the walls – Pablo Fernando Gasparini (USP)

Translating: writing between languages – Luis Krausz (USP)

Thursday, October 19

2:00 PM

Contours of Boris Schnaiderman’s translational project – Walter Carlos Costa (UFC)

Translations in dispute: Schnaiderman, Rónai, and Pereléchin – Bruno Gomide (USP)

Tatiana Belinky and the translation of Russian literature – Cecília Rosas Mendes (UFRGS)

Nadiéjda Téffi and the place of women in emigration – Raquel Toledo (USP)

4:30 PM

Nadiéjda Téffi’s stories written in exile in Paris: translational aspects – Ana Carolina Barros Vasques (USP)

Exile and the journalistic adventure of A. Herzen – Giuliana Teixeira de Almeida (USP)

Serguei Dovlátov’s suitcase – Daniela Mountian (UFRGS)

Closing lecture:

Translation as Cultural Transfer in Exile: Reflections on Memory Politics and Collective Identity – Arvi Sepp (Vrije Universiteit Brussels)


Symposium “Exile and Translation”

Where | MariAntonia Center at USP

Rua Maria Antônia, 294, Vila Buarque – São Paulo – near Higienópolis Metro Station.

When | October 18 (Wednesday) and 19 (Thursday), starting at 2:00 PM

How much | Free

Tradução é tema de simpósio no MariAntonia