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Tusp receives Okupação Antropofágica

Tusp receives Okupação Antropofágica

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 07/28/2023

Between July and August, the USP Theater (Tusp) hosts Okupação Antropofágica, with Companhia Antropofágica, which proposes a creative journey composed by Opus Kantorianas Nº1 and Mostra Antropofágica 20 anos. This show brings the research carried out in recent decades by the company on theatrical poetics in dialogue with the theater of director Tadeusz Kantor and the Cricot 2 group, both Polish.

The Okupação will be part of the Mostra Antropofágica 20 Anos, with presentations of 4 spectacles from the group’s trajectory that are linked to the Kantorian universe. The three plays about the history of Brazil that make up the Trylogia Terror e Miséria No Novo Mundo will be presented together on the same day: Terror e Miséria no Novo Mundo – Part 1: Estação Paraíso, Entre a Coroa e o Vampiro – Terror e Miséria no Novo Mundo – Part 2: O Império, and Terror e Miséria no Novo Mundo – Part III: Autópsia da República. And two performances of the play Desterrados – Ur Ex Des Machine, a show created in 2015 especially for the exhibition Máquina Tadeusz Kantor at Sesc Consolação in celebration of Tadeusz Kantor’s centenary.

In addition, Antropofágica carries out creative work with Ludmila Ryba, a Polish actress and director who was part of the Cricot 2 theater company alongside Tadeusz Kantor and acted in several works such as Wielopole Wielopole. Ryba will be in Brazil continuing the partnership with Antropofágica that began in 2010, to direct the process that will be hosted by Tusp and that will include two Open Rehearsals of Opus Kantorian Nº1, provisional title of the new Antropofágica spectacle, created during Okupação.

At the same time, a free workshop by Ludmila Ryba will take place at Tusp, in which participants will be able to experiment and get in touch with exercises and procedures developed over decades of work by the artist.


Okupação Antropofágica

Mostra Antropofágica 20 anos
Trylogia Terror e Miséria no Novo Mundo
Dates and Times:
07/29/2023 (Saturday)
Part I – 4 p.m.
Part II – 6 p.m.
Part III – 8 p.m.
07/30/2023 (Sunday)
Part I – 3 p.m.
Part II – 5 p.m.
Part III – 7 p.m.

Dates and Times:
05 e 06/08/2023
Saturday – 8 p.m.
Sunday – 7 p.m.

Open Rehearsals of Opus Kantorian Nº1
Dates and Times:
12 and 08/13/2023
Saturday – 8 p.m.
Sunday – 7 p.m.

Workshop of Objetics with Ludmila Ryba – Actress and director
Dates and times: 07/31, 01, 02 e 08/03/23, from 9h30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aimed at professionals and performing arts students. (30 vacancies, 15 for listeners, 15 for practice)

Where  | Teatro da USP
Rua Maria Antônia, 294 – Vila Buarque – São Paulo, SP (near of Higienópolis an Santa Cecília metro Station)

Indicative Classification of the Shows and the Workshop | 18 years old

Capacity | 96 seats | Tickets: R$ 20,00 (entire) and R$ 10,00 (half)

Tickets | through: sympla.com.br/antropofágica and at the box office 1 hour before the screening.

About the Antropofágica
The Antropofágica is a theater group from São Paulo founded in 2002. It has anthropophagy as the motivating principle of its socio-artistic process. With about thirty members, the group conducts research, plays, training processes, and festivals in cultural spaces, public schools, and streets. Its more than 20 spectacles denote the search for a contemporary Brazilian theatricality, interested in exploring the creative possibilities contained in the tension between the spheres of political theater, the cultural industry, and the aesthetic avant-garde.

The group moves through various artistic forms, seeking to assimilate, like the anthropophagus, the virtues of what it devours. In this process, the group operates with national and international references, erudite and popular, mass culture, cinema, music, poetry, and plastic arts. The result is a hybrid theatrical language, marked by a theatrical genealogy of the mechanisms of power in society, by a historical investigation of subjectivity, and by the permanent need to respond to the present time with an original, powerful, and critical theater.

Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

Tusp recebe Okupação Antropofágica
  • 29/Jul/2023 until 13/Aug/2023
  • Rating: Livre
  • usp.br/tusp