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USP offers over 4,000 spots in free courses for the 60+ audience

USP offers over 4,000 spots in free courses for the 60+ audience

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 01/11/2024

Individuals aged 60 and above can participate in regular courses in areas such as communication, law, technology, and education, as well as complementary activities such as physical and cultural activities.

By Elcio Silva
1/11/2024 – 5:48 PM


Starting from January 29, USP opens registrations for the first semester of the 2024 USP 60+ program. In its 57th edition, the free initiative marks its 30th year of operation. Held in the capital and campuses in the interior, it provides over 4,000 spots divided between regular disciplines offered in USP undergraduate courses and complementary activities, including courses, lectures, excursions, sports practices, and didactic-cultural activities. Registrations are open until February 20.

The availability of spots and how to enroll will be provided starting on January 29 on the website cultura.usp.br/usp60. Interested individuals do not need to have any affiliation with the university and must be over 60 years old.

There are more than 200 activities in various fields of knowledge. Dr. Egidio Dórea, coordinator of the USP 60+ program, explains the importance of the initiative.

“The idea of the USP 60+ program is to provide people over sixty with opportunities for lifelong learning. We know that this is one of the main characteristics for healthy aging.”

For Dórea, another relevant factor for aging well is the meeting of generations. “We innovate when we add intergenerationality, this exchange of experiences within the classroom with undergraduate students.”

Audiovisual production in digital communication; Afro-Brazilian and indigenous culture and education; advertising writing; tax law; introduction to computer programming; social psychology; physiology of motor activity; and fiscal policy and public budget are some examples of regular disciplines taught at various USP campuses in the cities of Bauru, Lorena, Piracicaba, Pirassununga, Ribeirão Preto, São Carlos, and São Paulo. Some courses require prerequisites, but most do not.

Exclusive physical activities for the elderly are also planned, such as senior dance, lian gong, ballroom dance, as well as cultural actions with specialists from various areas, such as theater workshops, choir, ecological trail, and guided visits to the Museum of Zoology and the Science and Technology Park of USP. For some of these complementary activities, registrations are carried out throughout the semester.

Created by Professor Ecléa Bosi in 1994, the program, which completes 30 years of activities, is an initiative of the Pro-Rectorate for Culture and University Extension of USP.

Check out the video posted by Cultura na USP on Instagram!


USP 60+ opens registrations for the first semester of 2024

The complete list of activities is available on the website cultura.usp.br/usp60 starting from January 29, 2024.

All activities are free, and registrations are open to those interested over 60 years old.

Contact for questions and information: email usp60@usp.br.

USP 60+ abre inscrições para o primeiro semestre de 2024