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Challenges of Active Aging to Be Discussed by Experts at Free Event at USP

Challenges of Active Aging to Be Discussed by Experts at Free Event at USP

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 09/05/2023

Four topics will be debated, bringing together personalities such as Márcia Monteiro (TV Globo), Rogério de Almeida (USP), Beltrina Côrte (PUC), Cid Torquato (Rádio Bandeirantes), Alexandre da Silva (National Secretary for the Rights of the Elderly), and Soninha Francine (Municipal Secretary of Human Rights and Citizenship).

From the PRCEU Press Office | Cover Photo – Elcio Silva

9/5/2023 – 10:30 AM

The University of São Paulo will host the fourth USP Towards Active Aging Symposium on September 22, Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm. The initiative by the USP 60+ Program aims to broaden the discussion on the challenges of population aging and shed more light on the subject. The event will be held at the Brasiliana Guita and José Mindlin Library, on the Butantã campus of USP. Participation is free, with online registration required (click here).

The symposium will discuss active aging, generational relationships, digital inclusion, disability, and prejudice. The intention is to value people over 60 and propose solutions for a better quality of life, the motto of the USP 60+ program.

In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the period from 2021 to 2031 as the Decade of Healthy Aging. Dr. Egidio Lima Dórea, coordinator of the USP 60+ program and the Active Aging project, emphasizes the “need for the adoption of policies and governmental and non-governmental actions to promote healthy aging.”

The event has been divided into four thematic blocks, with short lectures and debates held in the morning and afternoon periods. Registration is required for each of the two periods.

In the morning, the audience can attend discussions on the “importance of generational relationships and digital inclusion.” In the afternoon, discussions focus on “aging with disabilities, age prejudice, and minorities.”

According to Dórea, debating these issues opens up possibilities for change: “These are themes that raise awareness and deconstruct age prejudice, ageism, highlighting the relevance and timeliness of the symposium.” The doctor emphasizes that “only debate and questioning can lead to awareness and meaningful changes.”

The USP Towards Active Aging project is an initiative coordinated by the University Hospital (HU) of USP in partnership with the USP 60+ program of the Pro-Rectorate for Culture and University Extension (PRCEU) of USP.

Learn more about the speakers

Check out the full schedule


08:30 AM | Reception and registration

09:00 AM | Opening with the Pro-Rector of Culture and University Extension of USP, Marli Quadros Leite.

Theme 1: The importance of generational relationships

09:30 AM | Generational diversity and ageism – Márcia Monteiro

09:50 AM | Generational diversity and work – Fran Winandy

10:10 AM | Generational diversity and education – Rogério de Almeida

10:30 AM | Discussion with the audience

Theme 2: The importance of digital inclusion

10:50 AM | Digitization and Baby boomers – Incompatibility? – Tássia Chiarelli

11:10 AM | Digitization and social support – Beltrina Corte

11:30 AM | Elderly and social media – enemy or new ally? – Gal Caetano Rosa

11:50 AM | Accessibility – its importance. – Marildo Matta

12:10 PM | Discussion with the audience


Theme 3: Aging with disabilities

02:00 PM | Overview of aging with disabilities – Linamara Battistella

02:20 PM | Healthy aging and disability – Possible association? – Sérgio Márcio Pacheco Paschoal

02:40 PM | Public policies – Reality or fiction? – Cid Torquato

03:00 PM | Discussion with the audience

Theme 4: Ageism and minorities – intersectionality

03:20 PM | Ageism and race – Alexandre da Silva

03:40 PM | Ageism and gender – Soninha Francine

04:00 PM | Ageism and sexual orientation and gender identity – Luis Baron

04:20 PM | Discussion with the audience


Piano Recital: Sérgio Carvalho (Coralusp)


IV USP Towards Active Aging Symposium

WHEN | September 22, 2023 – 9 AM to 5 PM

WHERE | Brasiliana Guita and José Mindlin Library –

Library Street, 21, Cidade Universitária – São Paulo


REGISTRATIONS | cultura.usp.br/usp60/simposioenvelhecimentoativo

IV Simpósio Rumo ao Envelhecimento Ativo
    • Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin da USP - Sala Villa-Lobos
    • Rua da Biblioteca, 21, Butantã
    • São Paulo - SP
    • Friday
    • Das 09:00 às 17:00