Taking into account the various initiatives of the Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão, the Announcements – launched in 2012 and 2013 – are possibly amongst the most productive of them. They are fertile, given its pioneering nature, and prolific, due to the meaning they assumed at the University. At that particular moment, it was noticed that it was absolutely necessary to change the scale of routine actions; to check the magnitude of the collections that compose USP’s wide heritage; to support the set of proposals in the area that did not always find a current expression; and it was urgent to raise the PRCEU to the same level as its similars. The Announcements appear to be the most solid action to promote a culture and extension policy in the institution.
The goal was to financially support projects relating to the preservation of museum and documentary collections; of memory and historical, cultural, artistic and architectural monuments of the University of São Paulo, in the various fields of knowledge; as well as projects oriented towards cultural and scientific exchange in the fields of culture and extension with similar national and international institutions.
In 2012 four announcements were launched, namely: Prêmio Ortega y Gasset em Ciências Humanas; Intercâmbio de Atividades de Cultura e Extensão; Memórias USP; and Preservação de Acervos e Patrimônio Cultural. In 2013 three announcements were launched: Museus e Coleções Museológicas; Difusão e Intercâmbio Cultural e Científico; and Preservação de Acervos Documentais, Memórias e Monumentos.
Considering the Announcements were a pioneering initiative, the most unusual thing about it was financing projects that came from staff and students initiatives. In the 2012 edition we had a total of 1609 people involved in the development of projects, including 256 teachers, 507 employees, 413 undergraduate students, 188 post graduated students and 245 external advisors. In its two editions a total of two hundred forty-four projects were awarded.
The Announcements exposed an unattended sector of the University of São Paulo and revealed a vast number of initiatives that until then progressed in a subordinate way and sometimes in an underground manner.