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Virada Científica

Virada Científica

The VIRADA CIENTÍFICA was created with the purpose of bringing the world of science and technology closer to São Paulo society. Held by the University of São Paulo (USP), in partnership with the Ministério de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, the organization and conception of its second edition, in 2015, is in charge of PRCEU.

The event will last for 24 hours, starting on the morning of October 17. Hundreds of activities will be carried out, including workshops, experiments, shows, games, lectures, and film and planetarium sessions. There are activities for all ages and the entry is free.

In the capital of São Paulo, the activities will be carried out by different units of USP, as well as its centers and institutes outside the Butantã campus. There will be activities in the countryside campuses as well.

Information about the schedule will start to come out in September.

Virada Científica
  • Coordenador Prof. Eduardo Colli
  • Rua da Reitoria, 374 - 2º andar - Ala Sul
  • Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - Cidade Universitária - SP
  • CEP: 05508-220
  • tel.: (11) 3091-3511
  • http://usp.br/semanact/2017/