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Crowded auditorium and enthusiasm mark the opening of the 13th Coralusp Festival

Crowded auditorium and enthusiasm mark the opening of the 13th Coralusp Festival

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 09/26/2022

The daily and free presentations continue until Saturday (1) at Cidade Universitária

Report and photos: Fabio Rubira


The re-encounter of the traditional Coralusp Festival with the public, after a 5-year hiatus, took place this Sunday (25) at the Camargo Guarnieri Anfiteatro, a cultural complex completely renovated and reopened at the end of 2018 at the Butantã campus of USP in São Paulo.

“It is a pride and a satisfaction to see this wonderful auditorium with so many people”, celebrated the director Marcia Hentschel, after the inaugural concerts. “We have a new house and the choral singing managed to return in its fullness.”

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Uryel Augusto Santa Fé, from the Children’s Choir of the Municipal School of Music of SP

The opening of the program was with guest groups, such as the Children’s Choir of the Municipal School of Music of São Paulo, which has among its members Uryel Augusto Santa Fé, 13 years old. Happy to return to face-to-face rehearsals after the pandemic period in which it was “very difficult to sing behind the cameras”, the young choir singer highlighted the “very good emotion” of the performance and the “very cool sound” from the Amphitheater stage. He also spoke of the joy of participating in the event with other choirs, in the inaugural program that included the Choir of the Escola de Música do Ibirapuera, Coral Juvenil Meraki and Coral Prime of the Centro Cultural Special Dog, in Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo (SP).

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Cecilia Busato, from Coralusp Sestina

In the late afternoon, the presentations were by the groups Coralusp Yayá and Lapa and the independent vocal group Trato no Tom. A member of Coralusp Sestina for 37 years, since the formation of the group Tarde, Cecilia Busato was in the audience and said that “a tear escaped her eye”. “It’s people’s lives. We’ve been singing since the good guys, we never abandoned, even in the pandemic. This Amphitheater is our home, now completely renovated. We rehearse a lot here, we love being in this place,” he said. The 59-year-old chorister will perform on Friday (30).

“We are celebrating our return and our lives by singing, which is what we love to do most”, highlighted the artistic director Eduardo Fernandes.

“For us, who live from choral singing and make it our work and our life, it feeds the soul to see all this sprouting”, reinforces Hentschel. “It’s a job that will bear a lot of fruit. From now on, no one can stop us!”

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The program of the 13th Coralusp Festival continues with free daily performances until Friday, always at 8:30 pm, and ends on Saturday at 6:00 pm. Check out all the scheduled groups here and the opening concert streams below.

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13th Coralusp Festival

When | Until October 1st, 2022
Schedules | Monday to Friday (9/26 to 9/30) at 8:30 pm and Saturday (10/1) at 6 pm
Cost | Free
Where | Camargo Guarnieri Amphitheater (Rua do Anfiteatro, 109, Butantã, São Paulo-SP).
More information | www.coralusp.prceu.usp.br


Crowded auditorium and enthusiasm mark the opening of the 13th Coralusp Festival
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