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Osusp to welcome international guests and to perform varied programming in São Paulo

Osusp to welcome international guests and to perform varied programming in São Paulo

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 08/02/2019

August schedule features presentations at SESC Pinheiros, at the Guita and José Mindlin Brasiliana  Library, at the Camargo Guarnieri Amphitheater and Sala São Paulo

The University of São Paulo Symphony Orchestra (Osusp) performs in August a varied program, with concerts for the OSUSP+POP, Música de Câmara (Chamber Music) and Sala São Paulo Series. In addition to the presentations, a free conducting course and a violin masterclass will be held.

The OSUSP + POP Series begins the presentations on the 9th, at 9 p.m., at SESC Pinheiros. Under the conduction of Luís Gustavo Petri, the presentation will have soloists pianist Heloísa Fernandes and flutist Toninho Carrasqueira. The repertoire features the works Colheita (Harvest), Vôo (Flight) and As Três Graças (The Three Graces), by Fernandes, as well as the renowned Ponteio and Dança Brasileira, by Camargo Guarnieri, Golliwog’s Cakewalk and Syrinx, by Claude Debussy. Tickets can be purchased on the Sesc SP website or at the box office. 

On the 16th, at 12:30 p.m., the Guita and José Mindlin Brasiliana Library (BBM) welcomes the Chamber Music concert. Osusp performs alongside Orquestra Errante (Errant Orchestra), an experimental group from the Department of Music (CMU) of the USP School of Communications and Arts (ECA), which is dedicated to improvisation and its connections with composition, technology, and training. Ricardo Bologna is the conductor. In addition to interpreting Arnold Schoenberg’s work “Transfigured Night,” the musicians will improvise in a collective creative environment also occupied by the conductor. 

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The following week, the presentation is in Sala São Paulo, on the 24th, at 9 p.m. Under the baton of Nicolás Pasquet, a professor in Germany and conductor in Europe, and with the participation of violinist Nicolas Koeckert, interpreter and teacher in Austria, professor at the Music and Arts Private University of Vienna (MUK). On the program, Itinerários de Curvelo (2007) by Silvio Ferraz (1959), Johannes Brahms’s (1833-1897) Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77 (1878), and the beautiful Symphony No. 3 in A minor, Op. 56 (1841), known as the “Scottish”,  (1841), by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847). Tickets are available on osusp.byinti.com.

Seeking to promote unprecedented activities for musicians and conductors that aim to improve their knowledge, Osusp will host at the Camargo Guarnieri Amphitheater a violin masterclass during the afternoon of the 22nd, and a Conducting Course along the 26th and 27th, respectively taught by the guests Koeckert and Pasquet. Entries must be made by the Apollo System (uspdigital.usp.br/apolo). More information is available on the Osusp website, in the “Courses and Masterclasses” section. Registration on the Sistema Apolo (uspdigital.usp.br/apolo). More information on the Osusp website, in the “Cursos e Masterclasses” section.

Closing the activities of the month, OSUSP presents itself as a Wind Quintet at the closing of the “Chip in Sampa” (POLI-USP event), at 1 pm on the 30th, at USP’s Centro de Difusão Internacional. The next day, the Wind Quintet will present the last August concert in Santos, at 3 pm, at the São Jorge dos Erasmos Sugar Mill, the first sugar cane mill in the country and the only one whose ruins are still preserved today.




University of São Paulo Symphony Orchestra

Information: sinfonica@usp.br | (11) 3091 3000 | sinfonica.usp.br

OSUSP+POP Concert  – SESC Pinheiros

When | Friday, 9 p.m. (09/08).
Where | R. Paes Leme, 195 – Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP
How much | Tickets range from R $ 12 to R $ 40, for sale on www.sescsp.org.br or at the box office of the entire SESC – SP network

Chamber Music Series at the Guita and José Mindlin Brasiliana Library
When | Friday, at 12:30 p.m. (16/08, 20/09, 25/10, 29/11)
Where | Rua da Biblioteca, 21 – Butantã, São Paulo – SP
How much | Free

Violin Masterclass with Nicolas Koeckert
When | 22 de agosto, das 13h30 até às 17h30
Where |  Camargo Guarnieri Amphitheater – R. do Anfiteatro, 109 – Butantã, São Paulo – SP
How much | Free (registration from July 25th to August 15th on the website: https://uspdigital.usp.br/apolo

Sala São Paulo Series
When | Saturdays, 9 p.m.h (24/08, 28/09, 12/10, 02/11 e 14/12)
Where | Praça Júlio Prestes, 16 – Campos Elíseos – São Paulo – SP
How much | Tickets from R$ 15, for sale on the site www.osusp.byinti.com 

Curso de Regência com Nicolás Pasquet
When | August 26th and 27th, from 8:30 am to 11:30 am and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Where | Camargo Guarnieri Amphitheater – R. do Anfiteatro, 109 – Butantã, São Paulo – SP
How much | Free (registration from July 25th to August 15th on the website: https://uspdigital.usp.br/apolo

You can check OSUSP programming on Facebook @SinfonicaUSP or on the website www.osusp.prceu.usp.br.

Osusp to welcome international guests and to perform varied programming in São Paulo