On the anniversary date, there will be the launch of two books on Modernism, and from then on there will be monthly meetings on FUVEST’s literary works. In May, a major seminar will show the path that has made the place a reference in the libraries’ world.
By Tiago Cesquim
03/16/2023 4:53 p.m.
On Thursday, March 23rd, the Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin (BBM) from USP celebrates the tenth anniversary of its opening and will kick off the celebrations with the launch of the books Semana de vinte e dois: Olhares críticos, organized by Marcos Antonio de Moraes, and Releituras do modernismo: O legado de 1922 na cultura brasileira, organized by Ivan Marques. The event occurs in the Villa Lobos Room at the BBM, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
These books result from seminars held as part of the 3 times 22 project, run by Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária da USP, and bring together more than two dozen specialists who look at the decisive repercussions of the centenary movement on Brazilian culture. “With these two books, we reinforce the role of the Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin, and also of the Universidade de São Paulo, in offering dense research and reflection on Brazilian culture and society,” ponders Professor Alexandre Macchione Saes, director of the BBM.
“Brazilian modernism, so much debated this past year, is the subject of two books that cover a mosaic of characters, spaces, times, and cultural manifestations that update the meanings of the Semana de Arte Moderna (Modern Art Week) and modernism itself for our contemporary society,” he clarifies.

The event’s poster simulates traditional lambe-lambes and invites the public to the launch of two works on Brazilian modernism. The works delve into and critically revisit the period and its profound impact on national culture.
The launch of the works kicks off a series of activities celebrating the first decade of the library, which was born as a reference for Brazilian studies, having received the most complete private collection in this field, following the donation of the Guita and José Mindlin collection to the Universidade de São Paulo. Inaugurated on March 23, 2013, the BBM stands out in the Cidade Universitária landscape for its beauty, functionality, accessibility, and comfort, internationally recognized in 2016 for its second place in the 1st Oscar Niemeyer Prize for Latin American Architecture.
As early as next week, on March 29, the 2024 edition of the BBM no vestibular (BBM at the entrance exam) project begins, with classes given by researchers and professors from the Universidade de São Paulo on the works selected for FUVEST 2024. The series happens monthly, and the first book covered is Quincas Borba, by Machado de Assis. The event happens in the Sala Villa-Lobos at 7:30 p.m., with the BBM’s deputy director, Prof. Hélio de Seixas Guimarães. The full program is available on the library’s website.

Professor in the Economics Department at FEA/USP and in the Graduate Program in Economic History at FFLCH/USP, Alexandre Macchione Saes has been Director of the Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin since 2022.
“As it completes its first decade of existence, the Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin has followed José Mindlin’s maxim that a library ‘must be alive! Welcoming readers and researchers, making works available digitally, and, above all, promoting the curation of accumulated knowledge through seminars, exhibitions, publications, and research projects, the BBM’s collection has been assimilated, debated, and given new meaning,” celebrates Saes, who as well as being the director of the BBM is also a professor at Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária (FEA) da USP
Os eventos abrem caminho para o seminário BBM 10 anos, que promoverá de 16 a 18 de maio uma série de encontros que discutem o papel da biblioteca, relembram projetos, exposições e publicações realizadas ao longo dos anos e como ela persegue o desejo de seus doadores de, para além de preservar, promover a curadoria do conhecimento produzido a partir de seu acervo. Acompanhe o site e as redes sociais da BBM para saber sobre novos eventos e ver a divulgação completa das programações. O Jornal da USP também está produzindo uma série de reportagens especiais comemorativas sobre as celebrações da BBM 10 anos.
Lançamento de livros sobre o Modernismo
(Launch of books about the Modernism)
Date | March 23rd, 2023
Time | 6 p.m.
Where | Sala Villa Lobos, Biblioteca Brasiliana da USP
Addres | Rua da Biblioteca, 21, Cidade Universitária
Butantã – São Paulo – SP – 05508-050
How much | Free
* about the other events, go to https://www.bbm.usp.br/pt-br/
Translated by Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima