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Conference “Curricularization of Extension: results and impacts”

Conference “Curricularization of Extension: results and impacts”

Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - 03/28/2023

In the context of the implementation of the “curricularization of extension”, the Pró-reitoria de Cultura e Extensão invited Professor Emeritus of the Universidade de São Paulo, Dr. Jacques Marcovich, to lecture on the subject.

The video contains the full text of the professor’s presentation, which dealt with the concept of “extension”, emphasizing its importance for the student’s education and also for society, with which the students and their teachers will interact. In addition, Professor Jacques stressed that the curricularization of extension implies the need for the university to establish guidelines and criteria for its establishment.

After that, she stressed that it will be essential for the courses and PRCEU to develop mechanisms to monitor and evaluate all the activities proposed and carried out so that society can benefit as much as possible from the opportunities that will be offered.

Professor Marli Quadros Leite
