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USP organizes event that discusses the curricularisation of university extension

USP organizes event that discusses the curricularisation of university extension

Comunicação - PRCEU - 06/13/2023

Workshop on extension curricularisation brings seven working groups to implement global project for USP

Text and Photos | Elcio Silva
 6/13/2023 – 1:30pm


USP held on June 13th the event that discussed the importance of curricularisation of university extension. Organized by the Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária da USP (PRCEU), the Workshop Curricularização da Extensão has the participation of the Pró-reitoria de Graduação (PRG) and also with representatives of Unesp and Unicamp.

At the opening, information was presented on how the Pró-Reitorias de Cultura e Extensão e de Graduação seek to integrate their actions with the aim of implementing the curricularisation of extension in the activities developed by undergraduate disciplines. Among the rules is the inclusion that 10% of the total workload of undergraduate courses be carried out with university extension activities, the articulation with teaching and research activities, and the guidance and evaluation of teachers for extension activities developed by students.

Curricularizacao Da Extensao 13 6 2023 Foto 2 Elcio Silva

Professor Marli Quadros Leite talks about the implementation of the Curricularization of Extension at the University of São Paulo.

For Professor Marli Quadros Leite, pró-reitora de cultura e extensão universitária at USP, everything will be done universally without forgetting the particularities of each course. “We are going to make a program that meets the demands of our University, within this thought, it will start to leave here today, with the establishment of the curricularization GT composed of representatives of all USP units, something very solid to take this program forward”.

Professor Marli Quadros also points out that “from the moment there is this separation of the workload and also the composition of the pedagogical project with curricularization, we are already in the spirit to work and return to society the much that it offers our University”.

Seven grupos de trabalho – GTs (working groups) were set up to discuss various topics in the afternoon in order to gather the necessary data for the implementation of this project. Among the topics discussed are Natural Sciences, Applied Social Sciences, Humanities, Health Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Agricultural Sciences, Museums, Specialized Institutes PRCEU Bodies. Each working group has a rapporteur who brought the results for deliberations at the closing plenary.

The opening ceremony was attended by the vice-rector of USP, Professor Maria Arminda do Nascimento Arruda and the pro-rector of graduation, Professor Aluísio Augusto Cotrim Segurado.


Curricularization of Extension

Workshop discusses the implementation of university extension in the curriculum

Translated by: Lara Yoshime Shizuko Fukushima

USP organizes event that discusses the curricularisation of university extension
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